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Jobin Yvon (Now HORIBA France) Hosts Its Bicentennial Anniversary Ceremony 

HORIBA held the Jobin Yvon 200th Anniversary Ceremony at École Polytechnique*1, a French public institution of higher education and research in Palaiseau, on November 22, 2019. Now in the form of HORIBA FRANCE SAS, this legendary optics firm has pioneered the realm of “spectroscopy,” since its establishment in 1819 by constantly pushing the frontiers of optical science through numerous technological innovations. Having served as a member of the HORIBA Group since 1997, this French firm is now responsible for the development of gratings*2 (one of the core parts of spectrometers and also their flagship product) and a variety of spectrometers, including Raman spectroscopic analyzers*3, as well as the distribution of and servicing for other scientific instruments and systems. Their addition to the HORIBA Group has expanded the range of its key technologies in a wider range of wavelengths, which in turn has enabled the Group to offer a broader array of analysis solutions.

About 500 people, including Mr. Masato Kitera, Ambassador of Japan in France, as well as honorable members of the French Parliament and the French Sénat, along with HORIBA France employees and their customers, attended the Ceremony. 
Chairman & Group CEO Atsushi Horiba delivered the following speech at the Ceremony: “Open innovation and scientific collaborations, which lays the foundation for the 200-year history of Jobin Yvon, are part of the DNA of HORIBA. Every time we establish a new operation in the world, it is dedicated to innovation, adding value to the industries we serve. We never stop leveraging the proximity of major academic and industrial research centers, adapting to the new trends we see in society, or what we call “megatrends.” While addressing new needs and new applications of both our customers and society, we will develop our business more sustainably.”

We took the ceremony as an opportunity to look back on the lessons we’ve learned throughout the 200 years of Jobin Yvon’s history, which reminded us of our commitment to putting our heads together and contributing to the development of science and technology.

*1 École Polytechnique is the leading French institute that combines top-level research, academics, and innovation at the cutting-edge of science and technology. Two founders of the Jobin Yvon are alumni of France’s École Polytechnique. Even now, 200 years after its founding, Joban Yvon has technical and human interaction with École Polytechnique through such as internships.
École Polytechnique and the University of Tokyo have been in agreement on International Academic Exchange Program in 1994. 
*2 Optical components that disperses light according to its wavelength by interference of light
*3 An instrument that detects Raman spectra by passing Raman-scattered light, which is generated by illuminating a sample with a laser beam whose wavelength is different from that of incident light, through the spectrometer. A spectrometer using a diffraction grating is used when converting Raman-scattered light into spectra.

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