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Contributions to Achieve Carbon Neutrality: HORIBA Launches Special Website to Introduce Hydrogen Energy Analysis and Measurement Solutions

|   Press Release


HORIBA, Ltd. launched the special Hydrogen Energy (URL : website to provide an accessible introduction to the HORIBA Group’s hydrogen energy initiatives.

Background of Website Launch

Our world is advancing toward carbon neutrality or net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Alternatives to using fossil fuels such as Hydrogen and eFuels are being developed rapidly. These can be substitutes to support the decarbonization of supply chains. In addition enhancement of energy efficiency plays an important role.
HORIBA advocates its mission to contribute to the progress of science and technology, and the preservation of the global environment in its corporate philosophy. We provide a broad range of analysis and measurement solutions to help build a society which produces, stores, and uses energy in a smart way. 
Our solutions include fuel cell/electrolysis evaluators, material analyzers such as Raman spectroscopes and elemental analyzers for catalysis and fuel cell ingredients, real-time multi-gas monitors to detect gas impurities for Hydrogen production line, total engineering skills to test from component level to system level, test facility turn-key construction consulting, and so on.
The HORIBA Hydrogen Energy website has been launched to not only introduce analysis and measurement solutions capable of addressing the technical challenges faced by customers handling hydrogen energy but to also summarize the energy market trends seen by HORIBA. 

Main Contents

1. Movements, Needs, Strategies, and Technological Expectations toward a Decarbonized Society 
This section introduces the energy market and highlights the rapidly changing trends due to global policy shifts. It explored the high level details of each major country and region as well as the economic rationality. HORIBA operates in over 50 locations which gives us a unique vantage point to review the global energy market trends.

2. HORIBA is Tackling Challenges across Many Industries
This section introduces the challenges of optimizing the supply chain of energy production, transportation, storage and use. HORIBA also its own initiatives to realize a sustainable society.

3. Why HORIBA: Cutting-Edge Science and Engineering Knowhow / Measurement Solutions to Reduce Cost and Maximize Efficiency
This section introduces our range products with case study information about how HORIBA’s analysis and measurement solutions help achieve carbon neutrality. We develop solutions to respond to customers' challenges; from gas measurement, to material analysis; from plant monitoring, to the evaluation of batteries and fuel cells; from electric vehicle development to many other low carbon transportation modes.

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