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What are Euro 7 Emission Standards?

Why new Euro 7 emissions regulation was needed

Euro 7 emissions standards are standards that the European Union governing body is implementing to cut down on automobile pollution & increase electric vehicle battery life.

In December 2019, the European Commission announced its Green Deal as its top priority policy, setting out a roadmap for each industrial sector with the aim of making Europe the world's first climate-neutral*1 by 2050. As a concrete measure, the European Commission is discussing a policy package Fit for 55*2 to achieve at least 55% GHG emission reductions by 2030.

And afterwards adopted and promulgated as EU Regulation 2024/1257 on May 8, 2024.


Optimize your test cells with HORIBA to meet Euro 7 regulations. Contact Us

Euro 7 Emission Standards: test cells can be configured for emissions, performance, and durability testing
Core elements of the proposed Euro 7 regulation for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles

Euro 7 is now a single legislative act that covers all on-road vehicles, both light and heavy-duty. This change harmonizes the regulation in several aspects, but different tests and criteria will be applied to both categories.

  • Light-duty vehicle emissions are specified at Euro 6 levels (harmonized to the lowest current levels for gasoline and diesel) with the following additions:
    • PN > 10 nm replaced PN > 23 nm
    • PM and PN regulations extended to all gasoline vehicles, not just direct injection
    • Fuel evaporative gases for LDVs will be subject to sricter regulations
  • Heavy-duty vehicle emissions limits are reduced with the following additions:
    • PN > 10nm replaced PM Number > 23 nm
    • New components NMOG, NH3, CH4, and N2O have been added for laboratory testing and RDE testing
    • NHchanged from concentration regulation to mass regulation for RDE testing
  • Continued consideration of regulating HCHO Major changes in evaporative gas testing
    • The evaporative gas regulation for refueling, which was proposed in the initial proposal, has been eliminated in the final version.

Visit our light-duty vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles exhaust pages for more detailed information on how we can help you meet all Euro 7 standards of today, and future changes as well.

Euro 7 Brake Emissions Standards
Euro 7 non-exhaust emissions standards
  • Brake Emissions
    • The regulation limit is set only for PM10 for LDVs, blank limit tables for PN are set, this will be further discussed, will be decided before 2027, limits starting from 2030
  • The UN GTR (Global Technical Regulations) No. 24*7 will be adopted as the test method for LDV. In addition to PM10, this GTR defines measurement methods for PM2.5, SPN10, and TPN10. The tire wear rate regulation will be based on the difference in the weight of the tire before and after the test as the amount of wear.
  • Although the regulation limits are currently under consideration, the real world test method of UNR (UNECE Regulation) No. 117 is planned to be adopted for the test method.


Partner with HORIBA to meet Euro 7 standards and reduce brake-related emissions effectively. Click here!


Euro 7 battery and durability standards

Euro 7 is technology neutral and takes gasoline as well as diesel fuel into account and includes specifications for pure electric vehicles in terms of battery and range durability.

  • The UN GTR No.22 *8 will be adopted as the battery durability test method for LDVs.

What’s Next for Euro 7?

The start date of the Euro 7 regulation is as follows;

LDVNew Type Certification11/29/2026
 Continuing Production11/29/2027
HDVNew Type Certification05/29/2028
 Continuing Production05/29/2029
TiresC1 class07/01/2028
 C2 class04/01/2030
 C3 class04/01/2032
Low-density vehicles (LDV)07/01/2030
Low-density vehicles (HDV)07/01/2031

In addition, related implementing acts (implementing acts) will be adopted in the future, and it is expected that implementing acts for LDV will be adopted by 2025/5/29 and for HDV by 2026/11/29.


Euro 7 Test Equipment

How to Update a Test Cell for Euro 7 Emissions Regulations: The Euro 7 emissions regulations are still under development. However, based on the current proposals, the following test equipment is expected to be essential for compliance.

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