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Ellipsometric Characterization of Doped and Undoped Crystalline Diamond Structures

Characterization of diamond layers by SE: crystalline undoped diamond layers on silicon substrate.

Figure shows the evolution of the experimental observables (Is, Ic) versus wavelength over a range extending from 2100 nm to 190 nm (0.6eV to 6.5eV). The oscillations of these observables are known as interference fringes and indicate that the material is transparent across the measured range. The amplitude of the fringes shows a decay below λ = 400 nm. This is due to the increase of the absorption in this range.

Diamond is known for its hardness, thus it is used in industry in cutting and polishing tools. However this material has several other remarkable properties as optical transparency, chemical stability, thermal and electrical conductivities that could be controlled through the introduction of impurities  into the pure phase diamond crystal lattice.

Due to these properties, diamond is considered to be attractive for various fields of technology. It can be used as light detector in medical applications, development of  implants serving as semi-conductor interfaces with living tissues for biological applications. Furthermore, some of the impurities present in the diamond crystal lattice known as color centers are capable of light emission. Hence, diamond photoluminescent nanoparticles are used as markers in bio-imaging technology as well as detectors of weak magnetic fields at nanometric scale.

In this work, spectroscopic ellipsometry is used to investigate the optical and structural properties of crystalline doped and undoped diamond layers. This information is important for the optimization of the efficiency of these layers when involved in different kinds of devices.

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