The Story of Ion

We offer an introductory course on water quality. We explain - as simply as possible - what ions are.
Benchtop pH/ORP/Ion/Temperature Meter
Benchtop pH/ORP/Ion/Temperature Meter
Benchtop pH/ORP/Ion/Conductivity/Resistivity/Total Dissolved Solids/Salinity/Temperature Meter
Benchtop pH/ION Meter
Benchtop pH/ION/Conductivity Meter
Benchtop pH/ORP/Ion/DO/BOD/Temperature Meter
Handheld Water Quality Meters
Handheld Water Quality Meters
Handheld Water Quality Meters
Pocket Water Quality Meters
Pocket Water Quality Meters
Pocket Water Quality Meters
Pocket Water Quality Meters
Pocket Water Quality Meters
Do you have any questions or requests? Use this form to contact our specialists.
HORIBA Advanced Techno, Co., Ltd.
31, Miyanonishi-cho, Kisshoin
Minami-ku Kyoto 601-8306 Japan
Tel: +(81) 75 321 7184
Fax: +(81) 75 321 7291
HORIBA Instruments (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
83 Science Park Drive, #02-02A,
The Curie 118258 Singapore
Tel: +65 6 908 9660
Fax: +65 6 745 8155
Mail: laqua(at)
HORIBA UK Limited Northampton Office
Kyoto Close,Summerhouse Road,
Moulton Park
Northampton NN3 6FL UK
Tel: +(44) 1604 542 600
Fax: +(44) 1604 542 699
Mail: waterquality(at)
HORIBA Instruments Incorporated Head Office
9755 Research Drive
Irvine California 92618 USA
Tel: +1 800 446 7422
Fax: +1 949 468 1790
Mail: labinfo(at)
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