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Full Spectrum Forensics Camera

Reflective Ultra Violet Imaging Systems are an integral part of the crime scene investigator‘s search for evidence. By enhancing the observation and collection of evidence including latent prints on smooth non-porous surfaces, bites, bruises, blood detection with Bluestar®, and shoe impressions, SceneScope RUVIS Devices provide more sensitivity than traditional methods of enhancement and without any treatment. Print collection can be performed on surfaces such as plastic bags, sticky side of tape, glossy magazine, photographs, linoleum tile, compact disks, credit cards, etc…Cyanoacrylate treatment will further enhance the results of SceneScope RUVIS Devices.

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SceneScope RUVIS 29MP System
SceneScope RUVIS 29MP System

Reflective Ultra Violet Imaging System

SceneScope RUVIS Devices provide more sensitivity than traditional methods of enhancement and without any treatment. Detect untreated prints on smooth, non-porous surfaces and capture in Ultra High Definition.

The two primary RUVIS applications are untreated prints on most non-porous surfaces, and cyanoacrylate (CA) fumed prints.

Detects Latent Prints on smooth, non-porous surfaces

SceneScope RUVIS Devices allow the detection of latent prints, prior to treatment. This is possible on surfaces that reflect light very well and do not absorb prints. That is to say surfaces that are smooth and non porous. Untreated sweaty prints show as white reflective ridges on a black background. Untreated oily prints appear as strong, black ridges on a shiny background.

Detects Cyanoacrylate Fumed Prints allowing more prints to be visualized

As surfaces become rougher or more porous, “superglueing” the print may extend the range of surfaces on which RUVIS will work. Additionally, RUVIS may help avoid over fuming since SceneScope RUVIS Devices can see the ridges after only a slight fuming.

Shortwave Ultra Violet Light is used to illuminate the print

ALL RUVIS devices use 254nm UV light but they are not detecting fluorescence. Instead the device looks for the reflections and scatter of the 254nm light off of the fingerprint ridges.

Angle of Light is Critical to visualizing the print

By varying the angle of incidence, the direction the light falls onto the surface, you attempt to find an angle that causes only the reflection and scatter of the fingerprint ridges to appear and the reflection off the background to disappear. Ideally, this results in an image where the ridges appear bright and the background appears dark.

Which to choose: a Forensic Light Source or a RUVIS System?

Because of limited funds, sometimes agencies have to choose which technology they should purchase first.  We created the following video to help understand the choice.

Oblique Lighting

Perpendicular Lighting

Background Rejection is a major benefit when visualizing prints

Because RUVIS devices see surface detail, they only see material deposited on those surfaces, not materials “IN” the surfaces. This allows superior Background Rejection as the device does not see inks and patterns in printed material. As long as the surface does not show rises or indents, the background will disappear.

Visible Light

Shortwave UV

Ultra-High Resolution

The following image is only possible with a Digital RUVIS system.

An example of a superglued print on a plastic bag

An example of a superglued print on a plastic bag

Safety First

All SceneScope RUVIS Devices include eye and skin protection devices against UV radiations. All RUVIS devices include lamps that emit high-intensity shortwave ultraviolet. Exposure to these wavelengths of radiation, even reflected or diffuse, can result in serious, and sometimes irreversible, eye and skin injuries. Never aim the shortwave UV lamp at anyone. Never look directly into the shortwave UV lamp. Always wear appropriate eye and skin protection when using any RUVIS device.

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