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X-ray Analytical Microscope

The XGT-7200 represents a completely new generation of XRF microscope, and leads the way to a new era of science. It offers a seamless merger between optical observation and elemental analysis functions, revolutionizing the world of micro-analysis and establishing micro-XRF as a routine tool for the research and analytical scientist.

Unique hardware features ensure the system offers versatility and flexibility for every measurement. A choice of two software controlled x-ray guide tubes with diameters ranging from a unique 10 µm through to 1.2 mm allow conditions to be optimised for a range of measurements, including both micro and macro. Similarly, with the unique Dual Vacuum Modes it is possible to switch within seconds between a high sensitivity full vacuum mode and a versatile localised vacuum mode. The latter maintains samples at atmospheric pressure whilst retaining sensitivity to all elements from sodium to uranium.

In any configuration the intelligent combination of optical cameras ensure that the precise analysis position can be quickly and simply located.

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA, Ltd.

Integrated Software for Data Acquisition and Analysis Sample Handling

Quickly proceed from a view of the entire sample to the selection of the analysis potision.

Intuitive "click and move" images from low magnification and high magnification cameras within the sample chamber, allow the analysis position or mapping area to be defined withing seconds.


Acquisition Functions

Single Point and Multi-point Analysis

Single point and automated multi-point analyses allow high quality spectra to be acquired from either a single position, or from a number of user defined points across the sample. Element peaks are automatically located and labelled, and quantitative analysis down to ppm levels can be carried out using the fundamental parameters method (FPM), FPM with single standard, and full standard sample calibration.Thickness calculations can also be made on nm and µm thick multi-layered structures.

  • Single Point
  • Grid Analysis
  • Line Analysis
  • Multi-Point Analysis
    • User Selected
    • Coordinate File
  • Import with Positional Referencing [option]
  • Hyperspectral Mapped Imaging


Mapping Analysis

Hyperspectral Mapping Analysis

The SmartMap imaging software records a full EDXRF spectrum at each and every pixel of the element image, enabling post-acquisition element image generation and comparison, and spectrum generation from user defined regions in the image with subsequent qualitative and quantitative characterisation.

Transmitted X-ray imaging provides additional insight into a sample’s structure, allowing features invisible by eye to become immediately apparent.

  • Element image display
    Element images to be displayed can be selected during and after acquisition. Images can aslo be generated from user defined spectral windows.

  • RGB Composite Image Generation 
    Overlay elemental images to allow easy comparison of element distribution

  • Spectrum Generation
    Generate the average spectrum from a user defined region within an image.

  • Line Analysis
    Display multiple element intensity profiles across a defined region of an image.

  • Data Export
    Element images can be exported in data or image formats. The entire hyperspectral datacube can be exported in RAW format.


Spectrum Analysis

  • Peak auto-ID
  • Quantitative modes
    • FPM
    • FPM + Single Standard
    • Calibration
  • Spectrum overlay and compare
  • Multi-layer thickness
  • Spectrum matching

The unique features of the XGT-7200 have seen this innovative micro-XRF analyser widely embraced for a range of applications, including electronics, engine wear analysis, forensic science, geology, mineralogy, pharmaceutics, museums, metallurgy, biology, medicine and archaeology.

The flexible XGT-7200 micro-XRF system covers everything from macro analysis, for a general survey of a wide area, to the inspection of a specific micro area, with simultaneous XRF and transmission imaging. Its many features ensure high performance analysis with easy operation.

  • Highest spatial resolution

    The unique x-ray guide tube technology of HORIBA provides the highest spatial resolution micro-XRF analysis, with x-ray beam diameters down to 10 µm. The high intensity, ultra-narrow beams provided by the guide tubes allow fast, non-destructive analysis of microscopic features.
  • Transmission X-ray Mapped Imaging

    In combination with XRF imaging, the XGT-7200 allows transmitted X-ray images to be acquired. This can be used to perform internal structural analyses and identify regions of interest not visible to the eye. Scanning is done with a narrow perpendicular beam, resulting in clear penetrating images even for non-flat samples such as cylindrical parts.
  • Dual Vacuum Modes

    The XGT-7200 system offers the user unique Dual Vacuum Modes for sample analysis – switching between the two modes takes just a few seconds. In Full Vacuum Mode the entire sample chamber is subjected to vacuum conditions to ensure the ultimate sensitivity to light elements. In Partial Vacuum Mode the sample is maintained at atmospheric pressure whilst a vacuum is drawn around the detector and capillary optics. This mode is ideally suited for analysis of water containing samples such as biological tissue, and fragile archaeological/museum objects.
  • Complete range of sample sizes

    The accommodating sample chamber enables a wide range of samples to be analyzed, from a 10 µm spot analysis on a microscopic feature, to mapped analysis of areas as large as 10cm x 10cm.
  • Integrated Data Acquisition and Analysis Software

    Intuitive software allows easy control of instrument hardware, fast sample visualization and selection of measurement region, and full data analysis. Functions include automated peak identification, quantitative measurements, RGB composite image generation, line profile analysis.

XGT-7200 Specification

Elements: Na to U

X-ray tube: Rh target  / Tube voltage 50kV  / Tube current 1mA

Fluorescent X-ray detector: Peltier cooled Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)

Transmitted X-ray detector: Nai(Tl) scintilltor

X-ray guide tube: Mono capillary  10μm / 100μm with no filter

Optical image: Full sample optical image and coaxial magnification image

Sample stage size: XY : 100mm×100mm

Sample chamber: Vacuum chamber model/ Max 300mm×300mm×80mm in vacuum

Signal processing: Digital pulse processor ( INCA unit )

Qualitative analysis: Auto identification /  KLM marker /  Peak search / Compare spectrum

Quantitative analysis: Non standard FPM / Standard FPM / Standard file matching FPM /Calibration curve /   Multi layer FPM (Thickness gage) /Multi point analysis (Max5000) /  Multi point result send to Excel / XGT-5000 spectrum view

Mapping function: Transmitted X-ray image / Elemental image / Spectrum mapping /  Rectangle mapping / Generate spectrum / RGB composition / Scale maker / Line analysis

Other function: Possible to start the XGT-5200 software simultaneously.


Wear metals and additive Elements Analysis.
Wear metals and additive Elements Analysis.
Micro-XRF analysis for metal debris and particle analysis
Micro-XRF analysis for metal debris and particle analysis
Fast analysis of microscopic metal particles is an important application for engineering (e.g. engine wear analysis). Micro-XRF scanning and spot analysis of specific fragments identifies their chemical composition.
Micro-XRF for non destructive analysis of museum and archaeological objects
Micro-XRF for non destructive analysis of museum and archaeological objects
Pigments used in an ancient Nepalese manuscript have been analysed and assigned and an ancient glass burial ornament has been probed to identify the specific colouring additives used.
Biological applications of XRF microscopy
Biological applications of XRF microscopy
The effect of zinc on gastric ulcer healing has been investigated - mapped imaging of tissue samples shows evidence of zinc accumulation within the ulcerated tissue. In a separate study a fish otolith ('ear bone') has been analysed to reveal its heterogeneous elemental composition and physical structure.
Elemental micro-analysis of leaves using EDXRF
Elemental micro-analysis of leaves using EDXRF
Calcium micro-nodules are identified within mulberry leaves, and XRF mapped imaging provides a correlation between nodule concentration and leaf age. In a seperate study, the uptake of heavy element pollutants by plants is investigated, with high resolution images quickly acquired to show the distribution of lead through the leaf.
Elemental analysis of single rice grains using XRF micro-analysis
Elemental analysis of single rice grains using XRF micro-analysis
Individual rice grains are analyzed by micro-XRF to examine the effect of grain polishing. The concentration of mineral elemnts found on a grain can be related to the degree of polish.
Micro-XRF analysis for the Electronics Industry
Micro-XRF analysis for the Electronics Industry
The combination of the XGT-5000’s ground breaking spatial resolution and sensitivity means it is the instrument of choice for fast analysis of electronic components, whether for analysis of restricted harmful elements (the WEEE/RoHS ‘lead free’ legislation), trouble shooting, or R&D.
Quality control and defect analysis in the electronics industry using micro-XRF
Quality control and defect analysis in the electronics industry using micro-XRF
Troubleshooting and defect analyses of components embedded within opaque resins are described, on both individual components and complete circuit boards. Quantitative analysis to the ppm level is ideally suited for ensuring compliance to the WEEE/RoHS directives.
Fast thickness measurement of thin metal coatings by Micro-XRF
Fast thickness measurement of thin metal coatings by Micro-XRF
The penetrating nature of EDXRF analysis allows multi-layered samples to be characterised with a single measurement. With high spatial resolution even microscopic features such as bonding pads on circuit boards can be interrogated for composition and layer thickness.
Micro-XRF analysis for lead contamination in toys
Micro-XRF analysis for lead contamination in toys
A plastic toy is analysed for the presence of lead within its many components. Spot analysis shows concentrations of this harmful element can reach as high as 0.3%. XRF imaging allows its distribution across the toy to be quickly characterised.
Fingerprint imaging with micro-XRF
Fingerprint imaging with micro-XRF
High spatial resolution elemental mapping experiments are demonstrated to provide a useful method of fingerprint analysis in situations where traditional methods struggle. Fingerprints on glossy paper and finely woven fabrics have been chemically treated, and subsequently imaged.
X-ray micro-analysis for pearl characterisation in forensic science
X-ray micro-analysis for pearl characterisation in forensic science
Simultaneous XRF and transmission x-ray imaging provides valuable insight into the composition and structure of pearls. Such information is vital for customs officials, who can quickly determine whether pearls are natural, cultured or imitation.

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