Forensic and Archaeological

Forensic & Archaeological Sciences is based on the study of investigation and the recovery of materials of human evidence. HORIBA Micro-XRF is used to identify unknown materials and to match crime scene materials to those found on suspects. The SceneScope RUVIS UHD can detect fingerprints on most non-porous surfaces prior to any treatment while the handheld HandScope can detect gunpowder residue. HORIBA can assist in the specialist applications including the authentication of products when evidential material is obtained.

Interest of the Month

LabRAM Odyssey - Best-in-class Raman Imaging & High Resolution Spectrometer

Special 50 years anniversary series: true confocal Raman microscope enabling the most detailed images and analyses to be obtained with speed and confidence. Ideally suited for both micro and macro measurements, it offers advanced confocal imaging capabilities in 2D and 3D. 

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