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Total Siloxane Analyzer for Electrical Parts’ Contact Failure

Contributes to Cause Investigation of Electrical Parts’ Contact Failure to Improve Production Yields

The word “siloxane” is usually referred to low molecular weight cyclic siloxanes. It has high boiling point, but is easily gasified from products containing silicon. Siloxanes have several excellent properties such as high lubricity, water repellency, and electrical insulation. Taking advantage of this, it is used in silicone rubber, oil, adhesives which are used inside electrical and mechanical products, personal care products such as shampoos and conditioners, and various other medical supplies and daily necessities.

Although siloxane has excellent properties, it can cause problems.

After gasification from silicon materials, siloxane decompose to SiO2 (silica) and adheres to the contact points of electrical components such as motors, relays, switches, and other electrical parts, used in automobiles, electrical and mechanical products. Silica acts as an electrical insulator and may cause contact failures.

Voices of Electrical Equipment’s Designers and QC Departments

Want to Measure and Confirm the Effect of Volatilized Siloxane

  • Want to know the effect on parts with electrical contacts
  • Want to investigate the cause of contact failure and evaluate prevention measures

Solution from HORIBA

Features of Total Siloxane Analyzer

  • Continuous measurement of siloxane with high sensitivity

Provides stable real-time measurement with high sensitivity (0-50 ppm).

  • Fully automated sampling and measurement for reliable results

No measurement bias due to human errors.

  • No need of utility gases, cheap ownership cost

Analyzer runs without any auxiliary gases. Robustness and long-term stability due to HORIBA inhouse core technology.

Total Siloxane Analyzer VA-5000 Series


Measurement range0-50 ppm
Repeatability +/- 1% of full scale
Linearity +/- 2% of full scale
Zero drift (day) +/- 2% of full scale
Span drift (day) +/- 2% of full scale

Application Example

Concentration monitoring of siloxane in siloxane durability tests and simulation tests of contact parts such as relays and motors

Siloxane Analyzer continuously and with high sensitivity measures the siloxane concentration during R&D and investigation, such as the siloxane durability tests and the simulation tests of contact failure due to siloxane adhesion. 
If siloxane concentration is found to be high, manufacturer can prompt countermeasures and substitute production materials emitting siloxane such as adhesives by another materials.

●General process until contact failure

General process until contact failure

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