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HORIBA introduces network option for digital morphology training tool for multiple user access in multiple locations

50-user access ideal for large hospital trusts and University/Medical School remote haematology learning activities

HORIBA UK Limited will introduce a new network licence option for its QSP 2.0 (Quality Slide Program) affordable digital tool for skill evaluation and training in morphology at IBMS Congress 2022. This now enables up to 50 users across various locations, even in different countries, to directly access this valuable digital morphology resource as it works on VPN and local networks. The new QSP 2.0 Network Licence is ideal for large hospital Trusts with multiple sites and users, or Universities/Medical Schools for remote teaching and learning activities.

QSP 2.0 is a unique cross platform haematology training programme offering access to detailed blood morphology knowledge covering a huge diversity of pathologies seen globally. As an intuitive educational blood cell identification tool using high-definition digital cell morphology imaging, the QSP 2.0 software enables laboratory staff to clearly examine and report on digital blood films that have been pre-selected and reviewed by experts. Six digital cell morphology virtual slides are available for evaluation monthly.

This regular review process via QSP 2.0 not only supports staff and student learning and continued development, it also helps to standardise an area of the laboratory that can be subjective. Laboratory management can assess the competence of their staff in correctly classifying individual white blood cell (WBC) populations and other identifiable elements in accordance with the quality control requirements of ISO15189.

As well as the new Network Licence option, the QSP 2.0 online morphology training package is also available in Single Licence and Site Licence formats. A single licence is intended for use on an individual computer, such as within a laboratory, whereas a site licence is available for up to 10 concurrent computers where QSP 2.0 is installed and managed, for example those around a single hospital site. The new networked version of QSP 2.0 offers a shared database, integrated reports and automated installation of the software on up to 50 licensed computers in the network. This boosts its accessibility.

Also included in the QSP 2.0 training package are educational newsletters which help users to update themselves quickly with important and unique real life haematology cases from around the world. They share detailed cytology case studies, scientific features, quick tips and a review of the latest six training slides. A library of all current and previous issues is available for free access on HORIBA Medical’s website.

HORIBA’s QSP 2.0 digital blood cell morphology training tool will be available for live demonstrations at IBMS Congress 2022 on HORIBA’s Stand 615 at Birmingham’s ICC from 14-17 March. Visitors will also have the opportunity to participate in a morphology quiz and win a limited QSP license.
