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Analyseur de nanoparticules à centrifugation

Mesure granulométrique haute résolution par centrifugation.

Avec une plage de mesure comprise entre 10 nm et 40 μm, l'analyseur Partica CENTRIFUGE CN-300 exerce une force centrifuge pouvant atteindre 30 000 G et utilise le contrôle de la température pour générer des résultats de mesure précis pour toute une gamme d'échantillons.

Développé d'après les retours des clients et en améliorant les technologies HORIBA existantes et nouvelles, cet analyseur est à la fois sûr et fiable tout en étant facile à utiliser.

Segment: Scientific
Fabricant: HORIBA, Ltd.

Mesure précise de la granulométrie pour les échantillons non dilués et dilués
Le principal atout de la centrifugation est qu'elle permet de mesurer la granulométrie après avoir classé les particules par taille. Un large éventail de résultats de haute précision peut ainsi être obtenu à partir d'une seule analyse. L'analyseur Partica CENTRIFUGE vous permet d'utiliser deux techniques de mesure : « Line-start mode » et « Homogeneous mode ».

Détectez les particules étrangères ou les agglomérations en faible quantité
Grâce à sa haute résolution, Partica CENTRIFUGE peut détecter les petites quantités de particules étrangères. Cet instrument génère des résultats de mesure fiables sur toute la plage de la distribution granulométrique, y compris pour les petites populations et dans la partie basse de la distribution.

Mesure stable même pour les mesures de longue durée
La fonction de refroidissement de la chambre à échantillon et du rotor empêche l'augmentation de la température de la fraction d'échantillon pendant la rotation, ce qui améliore la fiabilité des résultats de mesure en maintenant la viscosité constante. L'analyseur Partica CENTRIFUGE est conçu pour assurer un fonctionnement plus silencieux, plus simple et plus sûr.

Robuste et facile à utiliser

  • Fonctionnement simple et sûr : il suffit de placer une cellule remplie d'échantillon sur un rotor
  • La cellule de type cuvette est facile à nettoyer et à remplacer, ce qui réduit le risque de contamination
  • Conforme aux normes de sécurité internationales (CEI 6101-1/2-020)

Exemples de mesures

Mesure de distribution granulométrique haute résolution

La mesure d'un échantillon mixte contenant quatre types de particules de silice standard en concentrations égales a permis d'obtenir quatre types de distributions présentant quasiment la même surface. La mesure « Line-start mode » permet d'obtenir une distribution granulométrique précise, car les particules sont classées par la force centrifuge.

Échantillon : particules standard (mélange d'une goutte de chacune des particules de 0,48 μm, 0,73 μm, 0,99 μm et 1,57 μm)
Quantité d'échantillon : 10 µL
Solvant : solution aqueuse de saccharose
Condition de mesure : « Line-start mode »

Mesure de la distribution granulométrique d'une petite quantité d'échantillon à forte concentration

Exemple de pigment noir utilisé pour les imprimantes à jet d'encre à partir d'une solution non diluée. La distribution granulométrique d'un échantillon à forte concentration, qui est difficile à mesurer, est présentée avec une grande précision à partir d'un petit échantillon de 2 μL

Échantillon : pigment noir pour imprimantes à jet d'encre (solution non diluée)
Quantité d'échantillon : 2 µL
Solvant : solution aqueuse de saccharose
Condition de mesure : « Line-start mode »

Vidéo de présentation du produit

Voir la vidéo


Vidéo de présentation détaillée du produit

Voir la vidéo

Model name: CN-300

Méthode de mesure

Centrifugation à l'aide d'une cellule de type cuvette : mesures « Line-start mode » et « Homogeneous mode »

Plage de mesure

10 nm-40 μm

Force centrifuge maximale

30 000 G

Contrôle de la température

Le rotor, la cellule et l'échantillon sont maintenus à une température fixe par réfrigération.

Température de fonctionnement



634 (l)× 550 (P) × 341 (H) mm


100 kg


Fractionneur à gradient de densité (CY-301)



[Option] Fractionneur à gradient de densité (CY-301)

Un fractionneur facilite la préparation des solutions à gradient de densité requises pour les mesures « Line-start mode ». Il suffit de mettre en place la cellule de type cuvette et d'appuyer sur un bouton pour préparer la solution à gradient de densité en 3 minutes environ.

Evaluation of Diameter (Thickness) and Aggregation/Dissociation State of Carbon Nanotube Dispersions
Evaluation of Diameter (Thickness) and Aggregation/Dissociation State of Carbon Nanotube Dispersions
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are thin, light, and flexible string-like materials that are composed entirely of carbon atoms. CNTs easily aggregate, so it is essential to understand and control the state of aggregation in order to achieve the expected performance. For this purpose, an analytical method that can quickly evaluate wide particle size distributions (PSD) from isolated dispersion to aggregation, with high resolution, is necessary.
Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanocellulose using Centrifugal Sedimentation Method
Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanocellulose using Centrifugal Sedimentation Method
Nanocellulose is a fibrous material derived from wood that is applied to composite materials and is attracting attention as an advanced material. In order to utilize nanocellulose, it is important to understand the fiber diameter and dispersion state. 3 types of nanocellulose were analyzed using the Partica CENTRIFUGE centrifugal nanoparticle analyzer.
Fourteen Peaks?! Particle Size Analysis of a Mixed Sample of Polystyrene Latex Standards
Fourteen Peaks?! Particle Size Analysis of a Mixed Sample of Polystyrene Latex Standards
A mixed sample of fourteen sizes of monodispersed PSL was used to evaluate the resolution and quantitative capability of the centrifugal sedimentation method.
Analysis to Separate Mixed Samples of the Same Size but Different Materials
Analysis to Separate Mixed Samples of the Same Size but Different Materials
In general particle size analyzers, particles of the same size are measured as the same size regardless of material, making it difficult to separate particles of different materials when they are mixed together. The centrifugal sedimentation particle size analyzer measures the sedimentation speed and converts it into a particle size value using the density information of the particles. Therefore, particles of the same size but different densities will have different settling speed and can be measured separately.
Analysis of the Mixed State of Slurry Battery Materials
Analysis of the Mixed State of Slurry Battery Materials
We analyzed two slurry battery materials containing active material (NCM) and conductive agent (carbon). By using Partica CENTRIFUGE to analyze battery materials before and after kneading, results with distinctly different distributions were obtained, which enable us to infer the dispersion state of the battery materials.
High Repeatability Particle Size Distribution Measurement of Colloidal Silica for CMP slurries
High Repeatability Particle Size Distribution Measurement of Colloidal Silica for CMP slurries
CMP technology is essential in the manufacturing process of large scale semiconductor integrated circuits (LSI). Colloidal silica are widely used as CMP slurries because of their clean spherical shape. Colloidal silica was measured by Partica CENTRIFUGE and its measurement repeatability was confirmed.
Particle Size Analysis of Fumed Silica
Particle Size Analysis of Fumed Silica
Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) technology is used as an indispensable fundamental technology in the manufacturing process of ultra-large-scale semiconductor integrated circuits (ULSI). CMP is a technique in which the surface of a substrate is softened, removed or flattened by chemical etching and frictional abrasion with a chemical slurry that contains abrasive particles. Fumed silica abrasive particles are synthesized in a gas phase reaction in flame and are dispersed as secondary particles that are aggregates of primary particles. They are known to have thiogenic properties. Although the rate of polishing is high for fumed silica, its polishing precision is inferior to that of colloidal silica.
Particle Sizing of Cellulose Nanofiber
Particle Sizing of Cellulose Nanofiber
Nanocellulose is a fibrous substance derived from wood and is attracting attention as a cutting-edge material. Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) manufactured by TEMPO oxidation are cellulose fibers that have added carboxy groups at high density. This type of CNF is made with high efficiency and is characterized by a very thin and uniform fiber width of about 3 nm. To utilize nanocellulose, it is important to understand the fiber diameter and dispersion state. To do so, it is necessary to have an analytical method that can quickly evaluate a wide ranges of particle size distribution, from well-dispersed particles to agglomerates at high resolution.
Particle Size Analysis of Acid Hydrolyzed Cellulose Nanocrystal
Particle Size Analysis of Acid Hydrolyzed Cellulose Nanocrystal
Nanocellulose is a fibrous material derived from wood and is used as composite materials, etc. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are needle-like materials with a width of about 5-20 nm and a length of about 100-250 nm defibrated using chemical treatment. CNC is cheaper and more attractive than other high-performance nanomaterials as an alternative to some other petrochemical products. It is expected to be useable for oil spill cleaning, engineering, pharmaceuticals, container substitutes, biodegradable food packaging, etc. It is important to understand the fiber size and dispersion state. It is necessary to have an analysis method that can quickly evaluate a wide ranges of particle size distribution for separated particles to agglomerates.
Particle Size Analysis of TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanocrystal
Particle Size Analysis of TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanocrystal
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are needle-like materials with a width of about 5-20 nm and a length of about 100-250 nm defibrated using chemical treatment. It is important to understand the fiber size and dispersion state. It is necessary to have an analysis method that can quickly evaluate a wide ranges of particle size distribution for separated particles to agglomerates.
Analysis of Multimodal Particle Size Distribution of a Mixture of Four Different Sized Silica Standards
Analysis of Multimodal Particle Size Distribution of a Mixture of Four Different Sized Silica Standards
Silica particle size standards with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable certified mean diameters are suitable for a wide variety of particle measurement applications. This time, four types of monodispersed colloidal silica Sigma-AldrichTM (SA) were mixed to evaluate the resolution and quantitative capability of the centrifugal sedimentation method.
Particle Size Analysis of a Mixed Sample of Three Sizes with Equal Log Spacing
Particle Size Analysis of a Mixed Sample of Three Sizes with Equal Log Spacing
Certified National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable polystyrene latex (PSL) size standards made by Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (TFS) were used to evaluate the resolution of the centrifugal sedimentation method.
Particle Size Analysis of a Mixed Sample of Five Sizes of Polystyrene Latex Standards
Particle Size Analysis of a Mixed Sample of Five Sizes of Polystyrene Latex Standards
A mixed sample of five sizes of monodispersed PSL was used to evaluate the resolution and quantitative capability of the centrifugal sedimentation method.
Particle Size Analysis of Carbon Nanotube with Porosity Correction
Particle Size Analysis of Carbon Nanotube with Porosity Correction
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are attracting attention and being utilized as cutting-edge materials, including battery materials, due to their lightness, strength, and current density resistance. Various applications have been developed based on these characteristics.
Analysis of Particle Size Distribution of Rod Shaped Gold Nanoparticle
Analysis of Particle Size Distribution of Rod Shaped Gold Nanoparticle
Gold nanorods are rod-shaped gold nanoparticles. Fig. 1 shows that gold nanorods have two surface plasmon bands in the directions of the short and long axes derived from their anisotropic shapes.
Analysis of the Dispersed State of Graphene Oxide (Isolated)
Analysis of the Dispersed State of Graphene Oxide (Isolated)
Graphene oxide is a nanocarbon material with a high aspect ratio and a high surface area with a thickness of about 1 nm and a sheet length of several to tens of microns.
Analysis of the Dispersed State of Graphene Oxide (Mixed)
Analysis of the Dispersed State of Graphene Oxide (Mixed)
Graphene oxide is a nanocarbon material with a high aspect ratio and a high surface area with a thickness of about 1 nm and a sheet length of several to tens of microns.

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Analyseur de nanoparticules à centrifugation
