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LSH Illuminator

LSH Illuminator Compact Scientific Light Source

Compact Deuterium, Tungsten Halogen or Glow Bar Light Source

Compact lamp housing for a variety of types of light sources from the UV to the IR including deuterium, tungsten halogen and glow bar

Applications for compact arc lamp housings cover a broad range of scientific, OEM and research applications. Arc lamp illuminators are used for a broad range of applications almost as diverse as the wavelength range across which they emit.

  • Solar simulators
  • Photochemistry
  • Photo-activation
  • Photobiology
  • Spectroscopy
  • Optical teaching labs
  • Pump probe
  • Dermatology
  • Catheter illumination
Segment: Scientific
Fabricant: HORIBA Scientific

Key Benefits of the LSH Illuminator:

  • Illumination from 180 nm to 2 microns (lamp dependent)
  • Universal housing accommodates,
    • Deuterium
    • Tungsten-halogen
    • Glow bar
  • More compact
  • Environmentally friendly, producing no ozone and consuming less energy
  • Less expensive



Optical Specifications
 LSH-D LSH-100 LSH-T250    LSH-GB    LSH-GC
Lamp type100 W Deuterium    100 W Tungesten Halogen 250 W Tungesten Halogen 140 W Glow Bar 22 W Ceramic
Broadband optical power at focal point0.001 W1 W2 W0.001 W0.005 W
Nominal image size229.5 mm H x 6.2 mm W
(flattened helix)
11.7 mm H x 5.5 mm W
(cylindrical helix)
17.5 mm H x 6.4 mm Ø
10 mm H x 3 mm Ø
Color temp. at rated powerN/A3300 K3400 K1000 -1050 K16000 - 2000 K
Focal distance3.62 inches, 92 mm, from front of housing
Housing dimensions8.44 x 6 x 5.19 inches, 214 x 152 x 132 mm (L x W x H)
Weight12 pounds, 5.45 kg
LPS-QTH Power Supply Specifications (for TH, GB & GC sources)
Constant voltage operationRegulationLine regulation ≤ 5 mV, Load regulation ≤ 5 mV
Ripple & noise≤ 5 mV rms, 100 mV p-p 20Hz ~ 20 MHz
Recovery time≤ 500 µs (50% load change, minimum load 0.5 A)
Temp. coefficient≤  100 ppm/°C
Output range0 to rating voltage continuously adjustable
Constant current operationRegulationLine regulation ≤ 3 mA, Load regulation ≤ 3 mA
Ripple current≤ 10 mArms
Output range0 to rating current continuously adjustable (Hi/Lo range switchable)
MeterType: 3 1/2 Digit 0.39" LED Display, Accuracy: ±( 0.5% of rdg + 2 digits )
InsulationChasis & terminal: 20 MΩ or above (DC 500V),  Chasis & AC cord: 30 MΩ or above (DC 500V)
1684P Deuterium Power Supply Specifications (for Deuterium sources)
InputVoltageAC 100/240 V, 50/60 Hz
Current (Max)0.9 A
OutputVoltage (DC) 80 V (Typ.) with Load, 200 V (Min.) without Load
Current (DC)300 +/- 30 mA
Current fluctuation (p-p)0.005% (Typ.)
Current drift at +25°C+/- 0.02%/h (Typ.)
Warm-up time20 seconds (Approx.)
Trigger voltage600 V peak (Approx.)
Oper. ambient temp.0 to +40°C
Storage temperature-10 to +60°C
Operating & storage humidityBelow 80% (no condensation)
Weight1.8 kg




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