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Multiple Characterizations of a Blister Pack Using the XGT-9000

Multiple Characterizations of a Blister Pack Using the XGT-9000

Mapping of the side B of the full blister. Full spectrum image (left); Fe image (right)

Quality control (QC) is a key aspect in the pharmaceutical industry. Drugs must be marketed as safe and with active formulations whose performance is consistent and predictable. However, QC cannot focus only on the drug itself, but must cover also the packaging material, as it can affect the quality stability and the identification of the drug product. Indeed, packaging must provide protection, minimize the loss of constituents and should have no physical or chemical interaction which could alter the quality or present a toxicity risk. With its high degree of versatility, the XGT-9000, HORIBA’s new X-ray microscope, is the perfect tool for the pharmaceutical industry as it can be easily applied within industrial settings, as well as R&D.

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