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Multimodal Characterization of Perovskite Materials Using the HORIBA SMS-320 System: Integrating Raman, PL, and TRPL Spectroscopies

Perovskite materials have generated strong interest in the research and industrial communities for Photovoltaic (PV) applications. This is primarily due to their excellent solar conversion effciency, low cost of fabrication, and ease of deposition on different substrates. However, the many advantages of perovskite materials for PV applications are countered by their equally strong vulnerabilities to degradation from prolonged exposure to light, high temperatures, moisture, and air pollution. This is in addition to other challenges inherent in fabricating uniform and high-quality perovskite films for commercial applications. The challenges of developing stable perovskite material and fabrication processes for commercial use require the use of several spectroscopic techniques such as Raman, Photoluminescence (PL), and Time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL), etc. to characterize and optimize the material design and fabrication processes. 

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