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Labspec 6

Cathodoluminescence Software

Spectroscopy and imaging software

Enjoy a wonderful User eXperience with the unique features of Labspec 6 imaging and spectroscopy software!

Segment: Scientific
Fabricant: HORIBA France SAS


An intuitive interface enables logical work-flow through an experiment, from visualization of the sample and measurement set-up, to interpretation of the data, and final reporting of the results. Unlimited licences are available for data processing, so that all the users in your lab can get benefits from our advanced renown software

LabSpec is a powerful tool for the complete experiment, from instrument set-up and data
acquisition, through to sophisticated routines for spectrum and image processing and display. (integrated SE image, panchromatic and hyperspectral imaging, peak fitting, peak width / peak intensity / peak shift mapping,)

Quality and Compliance
LabSpec 6 is a validated software which contains all the tools for users to meet regulatory
compliance including GxP and the FDA's 21 CFR part 11.

Hyperspectral CL image’s powerful capability to provide a structural view to a traditional SE image is matched by LabSpec 6’s SE overlay functionality. This tool allows CL images (created from both univariate cursor analysis and multivariate methods) and their metadata (positions, point indices, boundaries etc) to be superimposed onto the microscope Secondary Electron image for a powerful hybrid view of the sample.

Advanced data processing for characterization of complex sample systems is available in LabSpec 6’s Multivariate Analysis (MVA) module. It includes a number of multivariate (chemometric) methods which are seamlessly powered by Eigenvector Research Inc. a world leader in chemometric and multivariate technology

  • Navigate easily through your image with NavMapTM
  • Keep track of a region of interest inside your low magnification view
  • Reach region of interest easily and quickly
  • Use your mouse for better dexterity
  • No need to use the joystick anymore!

ParticleFinder offers a user friendly tool for automated location, characterization and CL analysis of particles. Hundreds or thousands of particles can be quickly located on a SE image, analyzed for size and shape descriptors, and then characterized using spectroscopy.

Mozaic offers extended visualisation of Secondary Electron images with optimized auto-adjustment and stitching to build seamless wide images

Built-in intensity and spectral calibration procedures.

Secure password protected multi-user access control with optimized user level based interfaces



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