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ISTH2022 HORIBA Medical - Current advances in deficient factors, D-Dimer and Thrombophilia testing

Presented by Dr. Françoise DURRIEU, Head of Medical biology laboratory, Bergonie oncology Institute - Bordeaux, France

HORIBA Medical invited three key opinion leaders in hemostasis to bring you current advances in deficient factors, D-Dimer and Thrombophilia testing at the ISTH2022 - London.

Duration: 54 minutes


00:00:00 Introduction by HORIBA Medical

00:01:32 "The scientific aspects of APTT reagents in the assessment of coagulation"
Dr. Annette Bowyer, Department of Coagulation at Sheffield Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre, Sheffield, UK

→ APTT reagents are integral to the monitoring of unfractionated heparin, detection of lupus anticoagulants and measurement of intrinsic pathway clotting factors. This presentation will explore how the variation between APTT reagents can impact on the sensitivity to each of these areas of coagulation. (00:18:43- Q&A)

00:22:32 "Diagnosing protein S deficiencies: clinical and biological aspects"
Dr. Pierre Suchon - INSERM UMR_S 1263, Nutrition Obesity and Risk of Thrombosis, Center for CardioVascular and Nutrition research (C2VN), Hematology Department CHU Timone, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille 13385, France

→ Diagnosing protein S deficiency is challenging. What is the place of protein S activity in the diagnosis strategy? What is the correlation between protein S rate and venous thrombosis risk?  (00:36:24- Q&A)

00:39:05 "Analytical performances of a new immunoturbidimetric D-Dimer assay"
Dr. Laurie Talon – Hematology Department, University Hospital of Clermont-Ferrand - France

→ Widespread daily use of D-Dimer assay for exclusion of venous thromboembolism led to development of many assays. However, their usefulness depends on their reliability and performance. Evaluation of the analytical performances of the Yumizen G DDi 2 assay (Horiba Medical) performed with the Yumizen G800 analyzer and to compare it with other available D-Dimer assays: Vidas D-Dimer Exclusion II on Vidas 3 (BioMérieux), Liatest D-Di Plus on STA-R Max (Diagnostica Stago), Innovance D-dimer on CS-2100i (Siemens Healthineers) and HemoSil D-Dimer HS500 on ACLTOP700 (Werfen). (00:49:22- Q&A)

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