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Yumizen C560 Reagents

Yumizen C560 Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Reagents Image_HORIBA Medical

Comprehensive POINTE Chemistry Reagent Package.

From a manufacturer with over 40 years of experience designing and manufacturing chemistry reagents, HORIBA POINTE reagents provide clinicians worldwide with actionable patient data.

• High-quality instrument-specific packaged reagents.
• FDA Cleared and CE Marked.
• Barcode labeled for traceability and ease of use.


*This product may not be available in your country or region at this time. Please contact your HORIBA sales representative or distributor for more information. 

Segment: Healthcare
Fabricant: HORIBA Instruments Incorporated


5390012443POINTE Acid Phosphatase10 x 10 mL Rgt, 1 x 5 mL Tartrate, 1 x 15 mL Buffer314Factor2, 3, 4
5390010732POINTE Albumin8 x 60 mL220512, 3, 4
5390010733POINTE Alkaline Phosphatase3 x 60 mL R1, 3 x 15 mL R21114Factor2, 3, 4
5390010734POINTE ALT5 x 60 mL R1, 5 x 15 mL R21857Factor2, 3, 4
5390010736POINTE Amylase6 x 20 mL864Factor2, 3, 4
5390015467POINTE ASO4 x 20 mL R1, 4 x 20 mL R24972217
5390010735POINTE AST5 x 60 mL R1, 5 x 15 mL R21857Factor2, 3, 4
5390010747POINTE autoHDL Cholesterol4 x 57 mL R1, 4 x 18 mL R2142252, 3, 4
5390010756POINTE autoLDL Cholesterol4 x 60 mL R1, 4 x 20 mL R2160056
5390010741POINTE Calcium6 x 60 mL260812, 3, 4
5390010738POINTE Carbon Dioxide4 x 40 mL94212, 3, 4
5390010739POINTE Cholesterol8 x 60 mL291612, 3, 4
5390012522POINTE CK-MB1 x 24 mL R1, 1 x 6 mL R280Factor27
5390010740POINTE Creatine Kinase4 x 40 mL R1, 4 x 15 mL R21184Factor2, 3, 4
5390010742POINTE Creatinine (Jaffé)6 x 60 mL R1, 6 x 12 mL R2206912, 3, 4
5390010743POINTE Creatinine (PAP)4 x 40 mL R1, 4 x 14 mL R2106712, 3, 4
5390010744POINTE CRP4 x 60 mL R1, 4 x 60 mL R218081011
5390010750POINTE Direct Bilirubin4 x 40 mL R1, 4 x 10 mL R288912, 3, 4
5390010754POINTE Direct TIBC4 x 60 mL R1, 4 x 36 mL R2171472, 3, 4
5390015465POINTE Ferritin1 x 18 mL R1, 1 x 9 mL R2931819
5390010746POINTE GGT4 x 40 mL R1, 4 x 10 mL R2914Factor2, 3, 4
5390010745POINTE Glucose (Hexokinase)8 x 60 mL291612, 3, 4
5390012914POINTE Glucose (PAP)1 x 120 mL R172912, 3, 4
5390010748POINTE Hemoglobin A1c2 x 60 mL R1, 2 x 20 mL R265598
5390010749POINTE Homocysteine2 x 60 mL R1, 2 x 12 mL R2, 1 x 3 mL L1, 1 x 3 mL L2904Included in kit15
5390010752POINTE Iron5 x 58 mL R1, 5 x 12 mL R2172412, 3, 4
5390010757POINTE Lactate4 x 57 mL R1, 4 x 38 mL R21647142, 3, 4
5390010755POINTE LDH4 x 40 mL R1, 4 x 10 mL R2914Factor2, 3, 4
1300023858Yumizen C1200 Lipase6 x 32 mL R1, 6 x 11 mL R2105512, 3, 4
5390010758POINTE Lipoprotein(a)4 x 40 mL R1, 4 x 14 mL R210671213
5390010753POINTE Magnesium6 x 20 mL R1, 6 x 20 mL R286412, 3, 4
5390013051POINTE Microalbumin4 x 20 mL R1, 2 x 10 mL R23562526
5390013123POINTE Microprotein2 x 120 mL R1, 1 x 15 mL Standard11682324
5390010759POINTE Phosphorus3 x 58 mL105512, 3, 4
5390015464POINTE RF1 x 20 mL R1, 1 x 20 mL R21711617
5390010751POINTE Total Bilirubin5 x 58 mL R1, 5 x 15 mL R2180612, 3, 4
5390010760POINTE Total Protein8 x 60 mL361612, 3, 4
5390015466POINTE Transferrin3 x 20 mL R1, 2 x 10 mL R22132021
5390010761POINTE Triglycerides8 x 60 mL291612, 3, 4
5390010737POINTE Urea Nitrogen8 x 60 mL R1, 8 x 15 mL R2241912, 3, 4
5390010762POINTE Uric Acid4 x 40 mL118412, 3, 4


Calibrators & Controls

ReferenceDesignationContainer FormatProduct #
5390012500POINTE Chemistry Calibrator10 x 5 mL Cal, 1 x 55 mL Dil1
5390012946POINTE autoHDL/LDL Calibrator1 x 3 mL5
5390013030POINTE TIBC Calibrators1 x 1 mL L1, 1 x 1 mL L27
5390012939POINTE HbA1c Calibrators4 x 0.5 mL9
5390012526POINTE CRP Calibrators5 x 2 mL10
5390013045POINTE Lp(a) Calibrators5 x 1 mL12
5390013043POINTE Lactate Standard1 x 15 mL14
5390015520POINTE RF Calibrators6 x 1 mL16
5390015522POINTE Ferritin Calibrators4 x 1 mL18
5390015524POINTE Transferrin Calibrators6 x 1 mL20
5390015526POINTE ASO Calibrators5 x 1 mL22
5390013125POINTE Microprotein Standard1 x 15 mL23
5390013052POINTE Microalbumin Calibrators6 x 1 mL25
5390012529POINTE Chemistry Control L110 x 5 mL L12
5390012530POINTE Chemistry Control L210 x 5 mL L23
5390012531POINTE Chemistry Controls L1/210 x 5 mL L1, 10 x 5 mL L24
5390013041POINTE Lipid Controls3 x 3 mL L1, 3 x 3 mL L26
5390012940POINTE HbA1c Controls2 x 0.5 mL L1, 2 x 0.5 mL L28
5390012527POINTE CRP Controls3 x 3 mL L1, 3 x 3 mL L211
5390013046POINTE Lp(a) Controls1 x 1 mL L1, 1 x 1 mL L213
5390012951POINTE Homocysteine Controls6 x 1.5 mL15
5390015521POINTE RF/ASO Controls2 x 2 mL17
5390015523POINTE Ferritin Controls2 x 3 mL19
5390015525POINTE Transferrin Controls2 x 2 mL21
5390013124POINTE Urine Controls3 x 10 mL L1, 3 x 10 mL L224
5390013053POINTE Microalbumin Controls3 x 7 mL L1, 3 x 7 mL L226
5390012518OINTE CK-MB Controls2 x 3 mL L1, 2 x 3 mL L227

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