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Microscope d'analyse X (Micro-XRF)

Nouvelle évolution de la spectroscopie de fluorescence micro-X, combinant une rapidité et une flexibilité optimales

  • Sensibilité élevée et large plage d'éléments détectables
  • Deux types de détecteurs pour les rayons X fluorescents et les rayons X émis
  • Taille de point ≥15 µm avec un capillaire ultra-haute intensité
  • Caméras haute résolution et plusieurs modes d'éclairage
  • Interface logicielle flexible et conviviale


Segment: Scientific
Fabricant: HORIBA, Ltd.

Sensibilité accrue et plage de détection élargie grâce à de nouveaux systèmes de détection

De nouveaux systèmes de détection avancés permettent au XGT-9000 Pro d'atteindre un niveau de sensibilité inédit et au XGT-9000 Expert d'afficher une sensibilité ultra-haute performance et la gamme d'éléments détectables la plus large. L'amélioration de la sensibilité réduit le temps de mesure et renforce l'efficacité, tandis que l'enrichissement de la gamme d'éléments détectables élargit les possibilités d'application.

(Gauche) Comparaison de l'intensité du Cu. (Droite) Comparaison de l'intensité des éléments super légers.
[1][2] Tous les résultats sont comparés entre le XGT-9000 Pro/Expert et les modèles micro-XRF classiques d'HORIBA


Imagerie macro et micro de haute qualité avec sélection de sondes multiples

La série XGT-9000 offre des performances et une flexibilité optimales grâce à son système d'excitation bien conçu, comprenant un générateur de rayons X à haut rendement (jusqu'à 50 kV et 1 000 µA) et un large choix de tailles de point de sonde jusqu'à 10 microns et 1,2 mm. Il est possible d'installer plusieurs sondes dans l'instrument et de sélectionner dans le logiciel celles que vous souhaitez utiliser. Ces instruments permettent une imagerie macro et micro rapide et de haute qualité qui ne compromet en rien les besoins de résolution spatiale et de temps de mesure sur une zone cartographique étendue. Deux sondes ultra haute intensité de 15 µm et 100 µm sont disponibles.

Images élémentaires en couches sur une pierre de Lapis-lazuli avec plusieurs sondes
(Gauche) Balayage rapide avec une sonde ultra haute intensité de 100 µm. (À droite) Imagerie détaillée avec une sonde ultra haute intensité de 15 µm.


Deux types de détecteurs pour les rayons X fluorescents et les rayons X émis

La série XGT-9000 propose deux types de détecteurs : un détecteur de rayons X fluorescents qui indique la distribution élémentaire d'un échantillon et un détecteur de rayons X émis qui indique la structure interne d'un échantillon. Le XGT-9000 peut obtenir simultanément les deux types d'images de la même zone, ce qui est particulièrement utile pour mieux comprendre l'électronique, les pierres précieuses (y compris les inclusions) et les échantillons biologiques.

Imagerie simultanée d'une image élémentaire et d'une image des rayons X émis d'un circuit imprimé
(Gauche) L'image élémentaire en couches a révélé la présence d'un corps étranger sous la puce électronique. (Droite) L'image des rayons X émis a révélé la présence de nombreux vides sous la puce.


Images optiques haute résolution et brillantes

L'obtention d'images claires est essentielle pour l'analyse micro-XRF. La série XGT-9000 propose des caméras haute résolution pour saisir l'image de l'échantillon complet et de ses détails jusqu'au niveau microscopique. Il est possible d'agrandir ou de réduire numériquement les deux images pour identifier librement la meilleure position à analyser sur la surface de l'échantillon. En outre, grâce aux nombreux systèmes d'éclairage, vous pouvez obtenir des images optiques brillantes de votre échantillon cible.

(Gauche) Image globale                                                              (Droite) Image de détail

Image optique haute résolution et brillante d'une mouche


Nombreuses applications de la chambre à échantillon

La série XGT-9000 permet de traiter une grande variété d'échantillons tels que des fragments de taille micro, des circuits imprimés, des pièces de monnaie, des feuilles, des poudres, des liquides et des plaquettes. Différents types de porte-échantillon peuvent être fournis. Il est également possible de sélectionner jusqu'à 4 environnements de mesure pour augmenter la sensibilité.

Nombreuses applications de la chambre à échantillon


Logiciel flexible et convivial

Le logiciel du XGT-9000 est doté d'une interface très flexible et conviviale, qui permet de visualiser en un coup d'œil l'arborescence des données, les images optiques, les résultats du spectre, le tableau périodique et les résultats de l'imagerie cartographique. Et grâce à sa flexibilité, les utilisateurs peuvent personnaliser la disposition de l'écran. Sans oublier que les résultats peuvent être affichés sur plusieurs écrans, ce qui permet d'assurer une meilleure visibilité des résultats et d'améliorer l'analyse des données.

Exemple de présentation du logiciel sur deux écrans


Il est possible d'ajouter des modules avancés aux fonctions standard de la suite logicielle pour une expérience utilisateur plus complète.

  • Module FPM multicouche pour la mesure de l'épaisseur avec/sans échantillons standard
  • Module RoHS pour le criblage RoHS
  • Module de file d'attente pour les mesures multiples automatisées en mode sans surveillance
  • Module de recherche de particules pour l'analyse des particules et l'analyse colocalisée
  • Module LabSpec Link pour le transfert des données vers LabSpec 6 à des fins d'analyse multivariée




Exemples d'applications (en anglais)


Vidéo de présentation du produit

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Dispositif de transfert pour l'analyse d'échantillons sensibles à l'air (accessoire en option)

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XGT-9000 ProXGT-9000 CXGT-9000 Expert

Informations de base


Microscope d'analyse X
   PrincipeSpectroscopie de fluorescence X à dispersion d'énergie
   Éléments détectables*F (9) - Am (95)C (6) - Am (95)B (5) - Am (95)
   Dimensions de chambre disponibles450 mm (l) x 500 mm (P) x 80 mm (H)
   Masse maximale d'échantillon1 kg
   Zone de cartographie maximale100 mm x 100 mm sur 300 mm (l) x 250 mm (P)

Observation de l'échantillon

   Observation de l'image optiqueDeux caméras haute résolution
   Image globale
   Image de détail
5 millions de pixels, champ de vision : 100 mm x 100 mm
5 millions de pixels, champ de vision : 2,5 mm x 2,5 mm
   Conception optiqueObservation en rayons X et optique en visée verticale
   Éclairage/observation de l'échantillonÉclairage épiscopique, diascopique et latéral/Champ clair et champ sombre

Générateur de rayons X

   AlimentationJusqu'à 50 W
   TensionJusqu'à 50 kV
   IntensitéJusqu'à 1 mA
   Matériau cibleRh

Tube de guidage des rayons X (sonde)

   Sélection de la taille de point de la sondePlusieurs combinaisons de sondes sont possibles
(par exemple, une sonde ultra haute intensité de 15 μm et une autre de 100 μm)


   Détecteur de fluorescence XDétecteur au silicium à diffusion (SDD) sans azote liquide
   Détecteur de transmissionNaI (Tl)

Mode de fonctionnement

   Environnement de mesureVide total
Vide partiel
Vide total ambiant
Purge He (en option)
Vide total
Vide partiel
Vide total ambiant
Purge He (en option)

Vide total
Vide partiel
Purge He (en option)

Dimensions de l'instrument (unité principale)

   Taille de l'instrument680 mm (l) x 860 mm (P) x 760 mm (H)
   PoidsEnviron 200 kg

* Dans des conditions de vide total

Dimensions (unités en mm) 

Reverse Engineering : Investigation on the Material Trends in Lithium-ion Battery
Reverse Engineering : Investigation on the Material Trends in Lithium-ion Battery
We obtained lithium-ion battery cells from 3 different commercial electric vehicles manufactured by an automotive company for the reverse engineering investigation. We disassembled and analyzed each of the cathode sheets, the anode sheets, and the separator sheets using multiple analytical instruments.
Foreign particles analysis on a LiNixMnyCozO2 (NMC) cathode material of lithium ion Battery
Foreign particles analysis on a LiNixMnyCozO2 (NMC) cathode material of lithium ion Battery
We used the XGT-9000 to analyze foreign particles on a lithium ion battery material. We made a NMC cathode simulation sample and added Cu particles in the sample as simulated metal foreign matter.
Elemental distribution imaging of inorganic minerals on a multivitamin supplement tablet using micro-XRF
Elemental distribution imaging of inorganic minerals on a multivitamin supplement tablet using micro-XRF
We introduced a fast and non-destructive imaging method for inorganic minerals on a multivitamin supplement tablet containing various essential minerals to body functions. We used the HORIBA XGT-9000 X-ray Analytical Microscope for the imaging, and we could visualize the distribution of the key inorganic elements on the tablet less than 20 minutes even though the concentration of the elements are tens of mg or less per tablet.
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Material Analyses using Micro-XRF
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Material Analyses using Micro-XRF
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) mainly consists of organic materials such as proton exchange membrane, carbon supports, and carbon sheets. However, it also includes some inorganic elements such as radical quenchers and precious metal catalysts. In this application note, we introduce key applications of micro-XRF for each component of PEMFC.
Glass-Filled Ruby Characterization with the XGT-9000, HORIBA’s new micro-XRF
Glass-Filled Ruby Characterization with the XGT-9000, HORIBA’s new micro-XRF
Gemstones for jewelry are treated by heating, irradiation, or filling of cracks to make them flawless. We performed imaging analyses using an XGT-9000 X-ray Analytical Microscope on a ruby provided by Mineralab. The transmission X-ray imaging revealed that the ruby included several internal defects, and the fluorescent X-ray imaging revealed that the ruby surface was treated by filling with Pb, Mg and Si which are representative of lead glass.
Non-destructive thickness and composition analysis of NiP/Au plating on Cu contacts using micro-XRF
Non-destructive thickness and composition analysis of NiP/Au plating on Cu contacts using micro-XRF
We carried out plating thickness and composition analysis on dual-layer NiP/Au plating on Cu contacts on a flexible printed circuit using a HORIBA X-ray analytical microscope. We successfully detected Au of ultra-thin layer without any sample preparation. The thickness results of Au and NiP plating were consistent with the provided values and with good repeatability.
Pigment identification of an old Japanese flag “Hinomaru” using micro-XRF and Raman microscopy
Pigment identification of an old Japanese flag “Hinomaru” using micro-XRF and Raman microscopy
This application note introduces pigment identification using micro-XRF and Raman microscopy on a Japanese flag “Hinomaru”, which is presumed to be the oldest and designed by an ancient Japanese Emperor Go-Daigo. The two spectroscopic analyses identified that the red pigment used on the flag matched the cinnabar ore (Mercury(II) sulfide) mined from the Mine near the place where the Emperor lived.
Spectroscopic Analysis Explains the Mystery of Dragonfly Eye Beads
Spectroscopic Analysis Explains the Mystery of Dragonfly Eye Beads
Spectroscopic analysis can reveal the origin of cultural heritages and the historical background at the time. This application note introduces research of a dragonfly eye bead found in a tomb in China. Using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray analytical microscopy, the bead was found to be from the Eastern Mediterranean region and the result suggested China had cultural and economic exchanges with them during that era.
Optical Micro-spectroscopies on a Path to Identify the Source of Life
Optical Micro-spectroscopies on a Path to Identify the Source of Life
In this article, we present how our Raman and X-Ray Fluorescence microscopies can be combined to shed some light on the origins of the universe. We show some examples on a meteorite piece and on water inclusion in quartz matrix.
Non-destructive Failure Analysis on Electronic Components Using the XGT-9000
Non-destructive Failure Analysis on Electronic Components Using the XGT-9000
μ-XRF is a non-destructive analytical technique which can inspect defects, even non-visible ones, inside a sample because of the high penetration of X-rays. This application note introduces failure analysis to detect ion migration, voids, and foreign matter on electronics using the XGT-9000, with key features of the vertical irradiation of a 10 μm probe and the simultaneous imaging of fluorescent X-rays and transmission X-rays.
Multiple Characterizations of a Blister Pack Using the XGT-9000
Multiple Characterizations of a Blister Pack Using the XGT-9000
The XGT-9000 is HORIBA’s new X-ray microscope. Its analytical versatility allows, multiple characterizations to be performed on a blister pack, from mapping of the full pack to particle size measurements of the capsule content.
Characterization of Pyrite Inclusions in Lapis Lazuli Using X-ray Fluorescence Micro-imaging
Characterization of Pyrite Inclusions in Lapis Lazuli Using X-ray Fluorescence Micro-imaging
Lapis lazuli is a deep-blue metamorphic rock used as a semiprecious stone which contains inclusions that can impact its value. Pyrite impurities and major elements distribution are studied with the XGT-9000, HORIBA’s new X-ray microscope.
Elemental Distribution Imaging on Edible Insects Using Micro-XRF
Elemental Distribution Imaging on Edible Insects Using Micro-XRF
Edible insects have received attention as a possible solution as a supplemental source to reduce food insecurity because of their nutritional benefits such as protein, fat, and minerals. Micro-XRF can be used to understand the elemental distributions in insects non-destructively. In this application note, we carried out elemental map imaging on edible crickets using a HORIBA XGT-9000 X-ray analytical microscope and revealed the rich source of zinc in their jaws.
Foreign Matter Analysis in Food using the XGT 9000
Foreign Matter Analysis in Food using the XGT 9000
This application note introduces foreign matter analysis in food products using the XGT 9000. There are three analyses as follows: Foreign particles on an oily salami, foreign matter inside a laminated ham and sausage, and a fly found in a drink product.
The non-destructive identification of black ink in a tempered document using XGT-9000
The non-destructive identification of black ink in a tempered document using XGT-9000
μ-XRF is one of the powerful non-destructive analytical technique in forensic science application. Thanks to the elemental mapping and the spectrum search function, XGT-9000 enables to reveal intentional alternation and identify the ink used on a document.
QC of Semiconductors which Feature Thin and Narrow Patterns
QC of Semiconductors which Feature Thin and Narrow Patterns
The combination of microbeam and thickness measurement capability makes the XGT-9000 a useful tool for the QC of semiconductors, which feature thin and narrow patterns. Thickness sensitivity depends on elements traced, but can be at the Angstrom level.
QC, Counterfeit Products, Presence of Foreign Materials
QC, Counterfeit Products, Presence of Foreign Materials
X-ray Fluorescence photons can be partially absorbed by the encapsulated material and will not show in the spectrum. The X-ray transmission image provides a complete picture.
Foreign Particle Analysis on a Separator Film of Lithium-ion Battery
Foreign Particle Analysis on a Separator Film of Lithium-ion Battery
The XGT-9000 can detect and determine the composition of foreign particles, and therefore track the source of contamination.
Failure analysis, RoHS testing of Electronics
Failure analysis, RoHS testing of Electronics
Simultaneous imaging of transmission X-rays and fluorescent X-rays is effective to find defects inside electronic components.
Surface Analysis of Corrosion/Contamination for Material Science
Surface Analysis of Corrosion/Contamination for Material Science
Elemental distribution is crucial for material science. The XGT-9000 Series provides this information non-destructively.
Elemental Composition Identification of Geoscience/Mineralogical Samples
Elemental Composition Identification of Geoscience/Mineralogical Samples
The XGT-9000 Series can be equipped with various probes and spot sizes providing comprehensive and detailed understanding of geological and mineral samples.
Trace Evidence Identification, Fake Product Identification of Forensic Samples
Trace Evidence Identification, Fake Product Identification of Forensic Samples
The XGT-9000 Series can be used for identification of trace evidences such as collected gunshot residues, glass fragments, and fibers with sizes even down to tens of micron.
Metabolism Investigation of Biological Samples
Metabolism Investigation of Biological Samples
The XGT-9000 Series can be used for identification of trace evidences such as collected gunshot residues, glass fragments, and fibers with sizes even down to tens of micron.
Gun Shot Residue analysis using X-ray fluorescence micro-analysis
Micro-XRF analysis of gun shot residues allows individual microscopic particles to be characterized for elemental composition. In addition, automated element imaging provides high spatial resolution element distribution maps, allowing particle shapes and sizes to be accurately analyzed.
X-ray micro-analysis for pearl characterisation in forensic science
X-ray micro-analysis for pearl characterisation in forensic science
Simultaneous XRF and transmission x-ray imaging provides valuable insight into the composition and structure of pearls. Such information is vital for customs officials, who can quickly determine whether pearls are natural, cultured or imitation.
Fingerprint imaging with micro-XRF
Fingerprint imaging with micro-XRF
High spatial resolution elemental mapping experiments are demonstrated to provide a useful method of fingerprint analysis in situations where traditional methods struggle. Fingerprints on glossy paper and finely woven fabrics have been chemically treated, and subsequently imaged.
Micro-XRF analysis for lead contamination in toys
Micro-XRF analysis for lead contamination in toys
A plastic toy is analysed for the presence of lead within its many components. Spot analysis shows concentrations of this harmful element can reach as high as 0.3%. XRF imaging allows its distribution across the toy to be quickly characterised.
Fast thickness measurement of thin metal coatings by Micro-XRF
Fast thickness measurement of thin metal coatings by Micro-XRF
The penetrating nature of EDXRF analysis allows multi-layered samples to be characterised with a single measurement. With high spatial resolution even microscopic features such as bonding pads on circuit boards can be interrogated for composition and layer thickness.
Quality control and defect analysis in the electronics industry using micro-XRF
Quality control and defect analysis in the electronics industry using micro-XRF
Troubleshooting and defect analyses of components embedded within opaque resins are described, on both individual components and complete circuit boards. Quantitative analysis to the ppm level is ideally suited for ensuring compliance to the WEEE/RoHS directives.
Micro-XRF analysis for the Electronics Industry
Micro-XRF analysis for the Electronics Industry
The combination of the XGT-5000’s ground breaking spatial resolution and sensitivity means it is the instrument of choice for fast analysis of electronic components, whether for analysis of restricted harmful elements (the WEEE/RoHS ‘lead free’ legislation), trouble shooting, or R&D.
Elemental analysis of single rice grains using XRF micro-analysis
Elemental analysis of single rice grains using XRF micro-analysis
Individual rice grains are analyzed by micro-XRF to examine the effect of grain polishing. The concentration of mineral elemnts found on a grain can be related to the degree of polish.
Elemental micro-analysis of leaves using EDXRF
Elemental micro-analysis of leaves using EDXRF
Calcium micro-nodules are identified within mulberry leaves, and XRF mapped imaging provides a correlation between nodule concentration and leaf age. In a seperate study, the uptake of heavy element pollutants by plants is investigated, with high resolution images quickly acquired to show the distribution of lead through the leaf.
Biological applications of XRF microscopy
Biological applications of XRF microscopy
The effect of zinc on gastric ulcer healing has been investigated - mapped imaging of tissue samples shows evidence of zinc accumulation within the ulcerated tissue. In a separate study a fish otolith ('ear bone') has been analysed to reveal its heterogeneous elemental composition and physical structure.
Micro-XRF for non destructive analysis of museum and archaeological objects
Micro-XRF for non destructive analysis of museum and archaeological objects
Pigments used in an ancient Nepalese manuscript have been analysed and assigned and an ancient glass burial ornament has been probed to identify the specific colouring additives used.

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