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Leukemia - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Cases "Chase the Case" #26

Understanding a rare hematological malignancy like Plasma Cell Leukemia from simple complete blood count (CBC) analysis by utilizing hematology analyzer cell data, scatter plot, and flagging system.

HORIBA Medical's Yumizen Hematology systems are capable and equipped to perform sub-lineage white blood cell differentials like immature lymphocytes (IML), immature monocytes (IMM), and immature granulocytes (IMG) which can help in the subclassification of hematology malignancy at preliminary stage, to further decide for specific confirmatory test for final diagnosis and accurate clinical management.

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About Chase the Case

This monthly series will introduce a selected clinical case of Yumizen analyzers sourced from real labs. There, you can see the interpretation of Yumizen flags, alarms, histograms, and matrices for specific diseases. It will help anyone who works at labs and also biology students. Now let's Chase the Case and explore the performance of Yumizen instruments!
