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Integrated Management System

In HORIBA Group, we operate and continuously improve our Integrated Management System (IMS) to achieve our business purpose. Our activities are shown below.

About Integrated Management System

Our mission is to contribute to development of science technology and global environment protection through providing our products and service. To achieve this mission, HORIBA Group continuously improve our Integrated Management System (IMS).
 In HORIBA Group, we certify ISO management system which is a global standard, and integrate multiple ISO management system as one Integrated Management System. Also, HORIBA Group in Japan (HORIBA, Ltd., HORIBA STEC, Co., Ltd., HORIBA TECHNO SERVICE Co., Ltd., and HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd.) also integrate as one Integrated Management System to operate efficiently. We will correspond to changes of global situation and increasing requirements, by using Integrated Management System’s framework, clarifying the organization’s process, understanding the current condition, implementing risk analysis, addressing the problems, with continuous improvement.

Image of Integrated Management System (IMS) and certified ISO Standards in Japan

Integrated Management System Policy

As HORIBA Group, we will use our Integrated Management System (IMS) to achieve our Mid-Long Term Management Plan (MLMAP) and continuously improve our corporate values.

[Quality Policy]
We will provide the highest level of product and service at all lifecycle stages and strive to be the best partner for all our stakeholders across the globe.

[Environment Policy]
Through ongoing investment and commitment, we will contribute to the development of science & technology, health, and the environment to help realize a sustainable society that complies with regulation and society’s requirements and expectations.

[Occupational Safety and Health Policy]
Through consultation and the participations of workers, we will value mental and physical health; and promote a bright, lively, and challenging working environment.

[Business Continuity Policy]
We will assure health, comfort, and safety when providing our products and services, and continuously develop our business while implementing risk control to achieve ongoing business continuity.

Transition of Integrated Management System

In HORIBA Group, we have followed the transition below, and we will continue our challenge to improve our management system.

Stage I (Introduction)
From 1992, we started to prepare for ISO9001 certification. At that time, standardization was not as familiar, and many things were depended on one’s ability. We started to standardize our operation process when preparing for the certification.

Stage II (Integration)
After certifying ISO9001, we also certified ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 (now ISO45001). In 2004, HORIBA became the first analytical and measurement company in Japan to get certification of Integrated Management System. We aimed to efficiently operate our management system.

Stage III (Integration as Group)
 We also integrated our management system in HORIBA Group in Japan, and improved our efficiency. Also, we proceeded with standardizing our system and continuous improvement, we made our management system by making good use of IMS to achieve our business purposes.

Stage IV (Strategic Operation)
Recently, we are improving our management system to correspond to wide range of risks.

  1. Even after voluntarily returning the ISO22301 Business Continuity  certification, our management system is continuously improved to prepare in advance for various potential risks and establish a quick recovery system to continue providing stable products and services to our customers even in times of emergency.
  2. Since Information Security risk is increasing, we improved our IMS to cover risks for information security by including element for ISO27001.
  3. To eliminate road traffic accident which is high risk, we certified ISO39001, and strengthened our system for road traffic safety. Although we returned our certification, we will continue to strengthen our system and activity to eliminate road traffic accidents.

Strategic Operation of Integrated Management System

To achieve our business purpose, we put effort in ISO HLS(※) 4.1 “Understanding the organization and its context and 6.1 Address Risk and Opportunity”, and are doing unique activities. For example, we are promoting to address risk and opportunity in the aspect of Quality, Environment, Safety, and Business Continuity to address risk in wide point of view, and define the problems by each department to set objective and encourage the use of IMS.
Also, we reflect the result of understanding the organization and analyzing the problem to the “Group IMS Objective” which targets the whole HORIBA Group in Japan, to consistently address the problem.
※HLS: High Level Structure (common structure of ISO management system standard)

Setting objective in each department and which needs to be addressed cross section

ISO Certification of HORIBA Group

In all HORIBA Group, the ISO certified company is below.

There are 13 main production factory in HORIBA Group, and the percentage of ISO 9001 certification is 92%, ISO 14001 certification is 77%, and ISO45001 certification is 54%.
