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Systèmes et Instruments Scientifiques

HORIBA Scientific bénéficie de plus de 200 ans d'expérience dans le développement d'instruments scientifiques de haute performance et de solutions analytiques.


Women in Science*
*Les femmes et la science

Spectroscopy Matters*
*La spectroscopie, matière d'importance

Actualités d'HORIBA Scientific

Scientific News

HORIBA Announces New Rapid Raman Plate Reader for High Throughput…

HORIBA proudly announces the launch of the PoliSpectra® Rapid Raman Plate Reader (RPR) for Raman High-Throughput Screening (HTS).

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HORIBA Announces New Veloci BioPharma Analyzer for Biopharma and…

|   Press Release

The BioPharma Analyzer is a unique A-TEEM™ spectroscopy solution for the biopharma and pharma industries that combines the selectivity of…

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HORIBA EXPANDS Instrument Offerings for The Pharmaceutical Industry…

HORIBA is proud to announce an expanded portfolio of instruments tailored to meet the rigorous demands of the pharmaceutical industry.

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