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LAQUA F-70 & DS-70 Series Meter Firmware Update Procedure

After updating the firmware (Procedure A), make sure to initialize or reset the meter (Procedure B). If the meter is registered and used with CFR software, perform meter initialization in CFR mode as well (Procedure C).

A. Meter Firmware Update

1. Take a USB flash drive and insert it into a computer.

2. Store the provided update file F7X_SYS.mpu in the top directory of the USB flash drive.

3. Eject the USB flash drive from the computer and insert it into the meter.

4. Switch on the meter.

5. Tap the menu icon and select Meter SET > USB Memory > Update > Software.

6. Check the displayed current and new software versions and tap ENTER.

7. Wait until the firmware update process is finished (approx. 20 minutes).


8. Switch off the meter and disconnect then re-connect the AC adapter.

9. Switch on the meter.


B. Meter Initialization

1. Tap the menu icon and select Meter SET > Meter initialization.

2. Tap OK on the confirmation dialogs to proceed with meter initialization.

3. Reboot the meter.


C. Meter Initialization (CFR Mode)

1. Boot the computer and CFR software.

2. Connect the meter to computer using a USB cable.

3. Switch on the meter.

4. Log-in using your user ID and password registered in CFR software.

5. Follow the instructions described in B. Meter Initialization.

Water & Liquid Corporate