The ViewSizer™ 3000 enables scientists to visualize and quantify the kinetics of protein aggregation in real-time for biologic therapeutics under a variety of stress conditions including agitation, temperature and the addition of contaminants. The case study featured here validates these capabilities for agitation and temperature stress conditions with the 100 mg/mL mAb A. These insights support the development of stable, effective and safe biologic products.
Simultaneous Multi-Laser Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
Dynamic Image Analysis
Direct Imaging Particle Analyzer
Nanoparticle Analyzer
Centrifugal Nanoparticle Analyzer
Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
BET Flowing Gas Surface Area Analyzers
BET Surface Area Analyzers
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