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A versatile spectroscopic ellipsometer covering a large range from VUV to NIR


A versatile spectroscopic ellipsometer covering a range from VUV to NIR

The UVISEL 2 VUV is a new generation of phase modulation ellipsometer for VUV measurements. It is the only spectroscopic ellipsometer on the market designed to deliver the fastest thin film measurements over the largest wavelength range, from 147 to 2100 nm.

The UVISEL 2 VUV is “a hybrid ellipsometer”, capable of operating in 2 modes: under nitrogen or primary vacuum. Its mechanical design is optimized for low nitrogen consumption down to 6L/min, and allows for fast sample loading, which takes less than two minutes. The readily accessible chamber in front makes sample loading very convenient.

The UVISEL 2 VUV provides high sensitivity at VUV wavelengths. It integrates dual high power energy sources, high throughput optics, a CaF2 photo-elastic modulator and two modern monochromators. Sample measurement takes less than 8 minutes from 147 to 850 nm with an excellent signal to noise ratio.

The UVISEL 2 VUV revolutionizes the world of VUV ellipsometers by significantly reducing the nitrogen consumption and the time it takes to purge and measure samples.

The well-known DeltaPsi2 software controls the UVISEL 2 VUV ellipsometer, offering powerful acquisition, modelling and reporting features. The user interface is intuitive and suitable for both research and industrial use.

The UVISEL 2 VUV provides unmatched measurement speed and low operating costs, making it the ideal ellipsometer for the characterization of numerous thin film applications from 147 to 2100 nm. The UVISEL 2 VUV ellipsometer can be customized and automated for production.



Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA France SAS
  • Fast sample loading
  • Fast purging
  • Lowest nitrogen consumption
  • Very fast measurement
  • Two modes of operation: under nitrogen or primary vacuum



High-k Dielectric with Nanoscale Thickness Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and FTIR-ATR
High-k Dielectric with Nanoscale Thickness Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and FTIR-ATR
High-k dielectrics are under investigation to replace the conventional SiO2 or SiOxNy gate dielectric in many applications of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) devices. Hafnium aluminium oxides (HfAlO) were investigated in this study as they fulfill the physical properties required for such applications. The structure and composition of hafnium aluminate films as well as the HfAlO / Si interface play a very important role for the optimization of CMOS devices. For this study complementary optical techniques were used. VUV Spectroscopic ellipsometry and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) provide accurate characterization of thin film thickness and optical properties near and above the bandgap.

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