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OBS-ONE RE - Portable Emission Measurement
OBS-ONE RE - Non-Road Mobile Machinery

Protection Case for Testing Heavy-Duty and Non-Road Mobile Machinery

Starting from 2019, new legislation now requires performing and reporting In-Service Monitoring (ISM) for some categories of Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM).

This creates several new challenges for the PEMS system (e.g. OBS-ONE), including extreme variations in environmental conditions, shock and vibration. To overcome these challenges, HORIBA has developed the RE (Rugged Enclosure), a protection case for the OBS-ONE, to ensure measurement accuracy under these conditions.

Maximum protection

  • Allows protection from harmful vibrations, shock impacts and a temperature range from -7°C to +40°C
  • Dust filters are provided on the exterior covers
  • Temperature controlled fans maintain a consistent internal temperature


Easy on-site installation

  • Modular design with springs
  • A sub frame is provided for forklift handling, as well as D rings for overhead lifting
  • Use of original OBS-ONE connections, no special connectors required
  • All connection points are easily accessible and sealed for maximum protection from external influences


Remote Access

  • Inbuilt Wi-Fi, allows for remote monitoring and controlling of the OBS-ONE during tests
RDE Testing for Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM)
RDE Testing for Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM)
After the introduction of Real Driving Emission (RDE) tests for light- and heavy-duty vehicles, focus is now also shifting to the area of non-road mobile machinery (NRMM).

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