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Red Blood Cell Membrane Disorders: From diagnosis to clinical management

Presented by Prof. Loïc GARCON, MD PhD, University Hospital Amiens Picardie, France

Red cell membrane disorders are inherited diseases due to mutations in various membrane or skeletal proteins, resulting in decreased red cell deformability, reduced life span and premature removal of the erythrocytes from the circulation.* 

In this webinar, Prof. Loïc GARCON, MD PhD, hematology expert in erythrocytes pathologies from the University Hospital Amiens Picardie (France) will discuss several diseases attributed to red blood cell membrane disorders and present their clinical and biological features, as well as their main treatment options. 

About the diseases to be discussed in the webinar:  
Inherited membranopathies are related to genetic defects of proteins expressed at the red blood cell membrane leading to chronic hemolysis. Hereditary spherocytosis, the most frequent of these disorders, is related to a decreased membrane stability secondary to weakness in the vertical interactions at the red cell membrane. Hereditary elliptocytosis and its more severe form, hereditary pyropoïkilocytosis, are related to weakness in the horizontal interactions within the protein skeleton leading to a decreased membrane elasticity. Hereditary stomatocytosis are rare hemolytic diseases related to either red blood cell hyperhydration (OHSt)  or dehydration (DHSt).  

Duration: 75 minutes


- Chapters - *There is no link embedded, please find the starting point manually on the video.

00:00:00 Introduction by HORIBA Medical 
00:01:34 RBC deformability and its factors
00:08:23 Hereditary spherocytosis
00:35:25 Hereditary elliptocytosis
00:39:32 Hereditary pyropoïkilocytosis
00:47:03 Hereditary stomatocytosis
01:04:50 Q&A

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