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SPARC Engine

SPARC - Test Stand Controller

Superior and Intelligent Controller Platform

The new SPARC Engine is the state-of-the-art test stand controller for automotive, marine and aerospace engine testing. The latest generation offers you advanced hardware and software for the highest performance, and touch functionality for intuitive operation. It is suitable for test stands with a synchronous machine (DYNASPM), asynchronous machine (DYNAS3), hydraulic dynamometer (DT) and eddy current dynamometer (WT) as well as tandem applications.

This controller covers the complete range of automotive testing requirements in control, monitoring and data acquisition. It is optimized for the control of torque, speed, throttle position or a free selectable parameter x.

Key Features

  • Control loop speed up to 10 kHz
  • Preconditioning of I/O signals with up to 120 kHz via intelligent I/O card
  • 1 kHz Ethernet interface to STARS test stand automation and open interfaces to other automation systems (via Ethernet or CAN bus)
  • Open simulation interface for simulation models like MATLAB / Simulink and via IPG CarMaker
  • Suitable for steady-state, transient and high dynamic simulations
  • Fully integrated into the HORIBA safety concept with the latest generation of safety modules



The latest SPARC Engine generation builds upon the proven concept of the SPARC digital controller family. Backwards compatibility and a simple one-to-one replacement allow for an easy upgrade of existing engine test stands.


The updated operating unit with a large 10.1” touch display allows for an intuitive manual operation of demand values, feedback values, status signals and messages of the test stand.


The SPARC Engine controller can be fully integrated into all test automation systems due to its flexible and open interfaces. It is also upgradable with further options, including E-Gas Simulation, CAN-Gas via STARS, Road Load Simulation and Open Simulation.


Integrated testing features are available for the identification of test stand characteristics and control loop setup parameters. They also enable an automatic engine mapping to achieve highest control response and accuracy.

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