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Battery Manufacturing/Recycling

We contribute to the development of storage battery manufacturing and its recycling through a wide range of measurement and analysis technologies and engineering, from R&D of battery materials, performance evaluation, production management, support for electric vehicle development to recycling, from particles to vehicle, then back to particles.

Electric vehicles (EVs) play an important role in achieving a carbon-neutral society, and demand for automotive batteries is expected to grow rapidly. Stationary storage batteries (for home, industrial, and grid use) are also expected to be used in a wide variety of applications, and are projected to grow approximately 47 times (per GWh compared to 2019) by 2050*. While needs are expanding, the manufacturing and disposal processes involve risks such as the emission of large amounts of greenhouse gases (GHG) and the consumption and disposal of large amounts of resources. To address these risks, there is an urgent need to improve the performance and manufacturing of storage batteries themselves, as well as to advance battery recycling processes.

*Compiled by our company based on the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Study Group on Sustainability of Storage Batteries" (January 2022), Japan.


Table of Contents

Material evaluation, film deposition process evaluation and quality control

In the research and development of lithium-ion batteries, which are becoming more common in various fields, and all-solid-state batteries, which are expected to become the next-generation batteries, new analysis and evaluation technologies are required to achieve higher quality and performance. HORIBA offers a wide range of analysis and measurement solutions for R&D and performance evaluation of battery materials. A wide range of battery performance evaluation is possible, from small (single cell) to large batteries (battery modules/battery packs).

For details of our extensive analysis case studies, please refer Batttery Material Analysis page. 

Safety management during manufacturing and testing

All-Solid-State Batteries Safety Management of Solid Electrolytes

All-solid-state batteries are highly safe because they do not use flammable electrolyte, and are expected to be used in power supplies for automobiles and other applications. In particular, sulfide-type all-solid-state batteries are attracting attention for their excellent material properties, such as high lithium-ion conductivity and wide operating temperature range, but their electrolyte tends to generate hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas due to hydrolysis reaction with a small amount of water, so sufficient safety measures are required.


HORIBA Solution >>

Detection of H2S Gas
For safety performance evaluation of batteries and safety design of development labs and production lines: Ambient Hydrogen Sulfide Monitor APSA-370/CU-1
For H2S production process and concentration control: High Concentration H2S Gas Analyzer EIA-51d/p



Detection of gases generated in the event of battery malfunction

Lithium-ion batteries are subjected to various safety tests. For example, in the automotive development stage, we contribute to safety evaluation by measuring whether CO gas generated in the nail penetration test of automotive lithium-ion batteries flows into the vehicle. In addition, gas concentrations such as CO and CO2 generated during heating tests in battery development can be measured in real time.

HORIBA Solution >>

Analysis of gases generated in safety tests
Real-time Measurement of Multiple Gas Types with a Single Device: Portable Gas Analyzer PG-300 Series

Engineering and certification testing

We provide flexible and wide-ranging development support, from battery model development to optimization design, prototyping, and evaluation.


HORIBA Solution >>

Support your vehicle electrification development and accelerating their entry into the electrification market: Electrification and Energy

Various performance tests

Charge/Discharge Testing and Emulation

We offer a lineup of evaluation equipment to support battery development, from charge-discharge characteristic/durability testing to outgoing inspection of automotive batteries.

We flexibly respond to customers' measurement needs, such as housing design and functional safety design.

HORIBA Solutions >>

For performance and cycle evaluation: Battery Testing System
Product Inspection Solution: Quality Assurance within the Production
For R&D and performance testing of low voltage components such as 48V: Battery Emulation

  • 1500V/1500A Support
  • Highly flexible external device linkage and integrated control functions
  • Powerful data management that accumulates all test data and equipment conditions

Heat generation measurement and analysis

Provides one-stop measurement and simulation service necessary for battery thermal design.

HORIBA Solution >>

Thermal Management

Vibration effect evaluation

We can evaluate charge-discharge characteristics of all-solid-state batteries under vibration. In addition, we offer one-stop non-destructive and destructive analysis combined with material analysis.


HORIBA Solution >>

Battery Electrical Performance

Vehicle level testing Test in the LoopTM

A new system that enables vehicle-level testing by linking multiple component test benches. For details, please contact your local HORIBA office.

*Test in the Loop is a trademark of HORIBA, Ltd.

Electricity cost measurement

We offer a lineup of evaluation equipment to support battery development, from charge-discharge characteristics/durability testing to shipping inspection of automotive batteries.

We flexibly respond to customers' measurement needs, such as housing design and functional safety design.

HORIBA Solutions >>

For Integrated Data Management: Test Automation Software for Laboratory Management STARS Enterprise
Automation and manpower saving for testing: Test Automation System STARS VETS, Automatic Driving System ADS EVO

Battery State-of-Health (SoH) diagnosis

HORIBA Solution >>

We can propose a simple State of Health (SoH) estimation technique using a charging port. Please contact us for details.

Material recycling

Detoxification treatment

HORIBA Solution >>

Air pollution and GHG emission control for recycling furnaces: Stack Gas Analysis System ENDA-5000 Series

Crushing/Sorting, Black Mass, Wet Refining

HORIBA Solutions >>

Quantitative Analysis of Light Elements in Materials: Carbon, Sulfur, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen Analyzer EMIA/EMGA Series
Molecular structure and dispersibility evaluation: Raman Imaging and Spectrometers
Mapping evaluation of contained elements: X-ray Fluorescence analyzers [XRF]
Particle size distribution evaluation: Particle Characterization
Preparation of powder samples for observation: Particle Disperser XD-100
For details of our abundant application examples, please see Battery page.

Consultation for Analysis and Contract Analysis Services

We have a long-standing commitment to analysis and evaluation of advanced materials. Your sample is measured by a highly trained member of our Application Centers and presented as a formal report complete with method, observations, results, and data interpretation assistance. 

In addition to consultation on the selection of analytical instruments, we also provide analytical technologies through services such as contract analysis and joint research with customers and academia, utilizing our know-how and skills as an analytical instrument manufacturer.

Analysis Centers and Services

Energy Management System (EMS)

Prediction and optimization o fvolatile energy usage at R&D sites

Environmental Impact Assessment (LCA and GHG Protocol)

Our measurement and analysis technology contributes to reducing GHG emissions throughout the supply chain

Energy Usage Optimization TOP

Visualization of energy consumption at R&D sites and construction of an energy management system for optimal utilization

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