Rapid Peltier-based temperature-controlled sample holders

Software-controlled for automated temperature dependent fluorescence

Peltier-based Heated/Cooled Cuvette Holder

For rapid control of the sample’s temperature in a HORIBA fluorometer sample compartment, choose the 1-position or 4-position Peltier-controlled thermostattable cuvette holder trays.

The Peltier device heats and cools the sample thermoelectrically and quickly, without overshooting the target the way a circulating refrigerated controller does. The temperature range is –15 °C to +105 °C. To prevent condensation of moisture on chilled cuvettes, an injection port for dry nitrogen gas is provided.

All software is included, along with a controller and stirring mechanism.

Perfect for automated temperature stepping experiments or ramping.

The Peltier device is mounted on an easily-exchanged sample tray consisting of a base and front panel, with utilities conveniently brought to the front panel. HORIBA provides a fully  integrated system with sophisticated software control.

These Peltier-based temperature-controlled cuvette holders are compatible with the HORIBA Fluorolog-QM, Nanolog®, FluoroMax® and Aqualog® spectrofluorometers.

Segment: Scientific
Produktionsfirma: HORIBA Scientific

Key Features and Benefits:

• 4 optical ports (3 for the four-position turret)
• Rapid, precise temperature control
• Optional extended temperature range
• Windowed jacket available for temperature extremes
• Variable speed magnetic stirring
• Dry gas purge for work at low temperatures
• Sample tray with utilities brought to front panel
• Probe input for sample temperature
• NIST-traceable temperature calibration
• Fully integrated software control

 Single Position Cuvette HolderFour-position Turret
Number of cuvettes controlled14
Typical useFluorescenceFluorescence
Standard cuvette size (outside)12.5 mm x 12.5 mm12.5 mm x 12.5 mm
Compatibility with the TCSPC lifetime entrance portYESNO
Optical ports per cuvette43
Optical port dimensions12 mm high x 10 mm wide12 mm high x 8 mm wide
Built-in optical slit holders4 per cuvette3 per cuvette
Cuvette z-height8.5 or 15 mm for most models8.5 or 15 mm for most models
Temperature range easily achievable-15 °C to +105 °C-15 °C to +110 °C
Temperature accuracy±0.30 °C from ‐20 °C to +110 °C±0.20 °C from ‐20 °C to +110 °C
Temperature reproducibilityBetter than ±0.07 °CBetter than ±0.09 °C
Thermistor probes acceptedSeries 400 or Series 500 
Magnetic stirring motor typeStepperStepper under each cuvette
Magnetic stirring speed range1-2500 rpm1-2500 rpm
Default stirring speed1200 rpm1200 rpm
Stirring speed best performance60-1800 rpm60-1800 rpm
Fluorometer compatibilityFluoroMax Plus, Nanolog, and Fluorolog-QMFluoroMax Plus, Nanolog, and Fluorolog-QM



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