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Raman Spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive chemical analysis technique that uses inelastic scattering of light to study the vibrational modes in a sample. Raman spectroscopy provides detailed information used in the semiconductor industry to optimize R&D processes and improve device yield:

  • Wafer uniformity assessment
  • Crystallinity distribution
  • Composition
  • Layer thickness
  • Stress
  • Defect inspection

HORIBA Scientific is the world leader in Raman spectroscopy, with benefits of more than 50 years of innovation in the technique. Raman characterization allows valuable insights into the properties of semiconductor materials such as group IV semiconductors, compound semiconductors, 2D materials, and their devices.

 LabRAM SoleilLabRAM Odyssey Semiconductor
Wavelength range300-1600 nm
200 nm-2200 nm
Motorized stage75 mm x 50 mm
or 120 mm x 80 mm
300 mm x 300 mm
LasersUp to 4 built-in fully motorized and computer controlledUp to 6 fully motorized
Spectral resolution (785 nm excitation wavelength with 1800 gr/mm grating)≤ 0.9 cm-1≤ 0.2 cm-1
Spectral stability RMS (measured on Si 520 cm-1 line)< 0.02 cm-1< 0.02 cm-1

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