ElectroThermal Vaporization (ETV) for ICP-OES
The ETV-4000 is an instrument for the direct introduction of solids, liquids and slurries which can be coupled to an Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) to allow samples to be analyzed in their original form, without sample preparation.
The sample is placed on a platform, or into a furnace, where a low temperature first dries liquid samples. The sample is then rapidly heated to very high temperatures, causing it to vaporize. The vaporized sample is carried by an inert gas into the instrument's plasma, where it is ionized and detected. The instrument measures the concentration of ions, or excited atoms, to determine the composition of the original sample.
When coupled with ICP-OES, ETV becomes a powerful, rapid, and reliable tool for analyzing the impurity content of solid samples with very low detection limits.
ETV is applied in a wide range of fields, including raw materials for energy, fossil fuels, ceramics, metallurgy, environmental analysis, and biomaterials.
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