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Jeroen MALFAIT1, Melanie VANTIEGHEM1, Stephane ROUGALE2, Majda MAYEMI SAIFI2, Marlène REYNAUD2 and Veronique STOVE1
1 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium; 2 HORIBA Medical, Montpellier, France
The Pentra XLR is a new generation of Pentra analytic systems, able to perform the cell blood count (CBC) , a 5‐part leukocyte differential (5 DIFF) analysis and a reticulocyte count.
The CBC and 5 DIFF are based on impedance, cytochemistry and the measurement of light absorbance, using the double‐hydrodynamic sequential system (or DHSS) technology. On the Pentra XLR, the flow cytometric reticulocyte analysis (RET) is performed by use of the thiazole orange dye. Young, immature reticulocytes are brightly fluorescent while maturing reticulocytes show an intermediate or low fluorescence intensity. Automated counting of reticulocytes has increased the accuracy and precision compared with traditional manual counts and provides the ability to reliably measure new parameters of RET maturation, such as immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) and measurement of the reticulocyte hemoglobin content.
The aim of the present evaluation is to determine the analytical performance of the new Pentra XLR blood cell analyzer. The results provided by this instrument were compared with those obtained by our routine hematology analyzer. Moreover, RET results were compared with a reference method on a three laser flow cytometer.
The study consisted of a performance qualification.
Blood samples
Blood samples (K2‐EDTA) from our daily routine were used for CBC + DIFF (n =135) and RET (n=213) analysis. The samples were selected to have 50% as normal and 50% with pathologies, based on the expert rules of our routine hematology analyzer.
Performance qualification
Imprecision reproducibility
Run‐to‐run imprecision results are shown in Table 1 for CBC+DIFF, and Table 3 for RET parameters. All results were within the specifications established by the manufacturer.
CBC count | 5 DIFF count | ||||||||||
WBC 109/L | RBC 1012/L | HGB g/dl | HCT % | PLT 109/L | LYM 109/L | MON 109/L | NEU 109/L | EOS 109/L | BAS 109/L | ||
Low | Mean value Obtained CV % Expected CV % | 2.33 2.74 5.00 | 2.44 2.01 3.00 | 6.56 1.79 2.50 | 19.80 2.56 5.00 | 66 6.18 15.00 | 0.69 7.01 8.00 | 0.04 28.10 40.00 | 1.35 3.91 8.00 | 0.18 23.36 25.00 | 0.07 5.77 8.00 |
Normal | Mean value Obtained CV % Expected CV % | 7.08 2.00 4.00 | 4.75 2.13 2.50 | 13.63 1.54 2.00 | 38.80 2.39 4.00 | 256 4.01 10.00 | 2.22 4.07 8.00 | 0.19 9.79 20.00 | 4.05 2.72 6.00 | 0.37 13.02 15.00 | 0.24 3.67 8.00 |
High | Mean value Obtained CV % Expected CV % | 16.66 1.68 3.00 | 5.31 1.84 2.50 | 16.58 1.36 1.80 | 46.53 2.19 3.00 | 521 2.34 7.00 | 2.72 3.49 8.00 | 0.48 11.06 15.00 | 11.77 1.98 4.00 | 0.97 7.61 10.00 | 0.72 2.54 8.00 |
Table 1: Reproducibility of complete blood cell count (CBC), 5 DIFF count on new Pentra XLR analyzer.
Correlation DIFF mode
The comparison between the Pentra XLR and XE‐5000 was performed on 135 samples. A high degree of agreement between the 2 methods Pentra XLR and XE‐5000 was observed, as estimated by the coefficient of determination regarding RBC, WBC, HCT, HGB, LYM and PLT , R² ≥ 0.95 (Figures 1‐4).
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Imprecision repeatability
The repeatability imprecision was performed for reticulocytes parameters on 4 samples. The results, shown in Table 2, were within the specifications stated by the manufacturer (RET% CV<12% et RET # CV <20%).
RET % | RET # | |
CV % | 5.41 | 5.33 |
SD | 0,06 % | 0.003 1012/L |
Mean | 1.19 % | 0.06 1012/L |
Table 2: Repeatability of reticulocyte count on new Pentra XLR analyzer. Results are from 1 sample and are representative of all samples.
Imprecision reproducibility
Reticulocyte count | |||||
RET% | RET L% | RET M% | RET H% | ||
Level 1 | Mean value Obtained CV % Expected CV % | 1.42 8.69 18 | 65.56 5.14 11.00 | 24 14.27 24.00 | 10.9 25.81 40.00 |
Level 2 | Mean value Obtained CV % Expected CV % | 4.59 4.97 10.00 | 47.04 6.72 15.00 | 36 6.20 18.00 | 16.92 18.10 40.00 |
Level 3 | Mean value Obtained CV % Expected CV % | 10.22 3.29 8.00 | 41.05 9.01 18.00 | 39 4.54 17.00 | 19.55 17.83 40.00 |
Table 3: Reproducibility of reticulocytes count on new Pentra XLR analyzer. RET L, M, H :RET Low, Middle and High degree of fluorescence (depending on maturation)
Correlation RET mode
The method comparison between the Pentra XLR, XE‐5000 and BD FACScanto II was performed for the RET parameters on 213 samples. As seen in Figures 5 to 7, the obtained correlation was good, especially between Pentra XLR and cytometry.
Figure 5
Figure 7
Figure 6
Repeatability and reproducibility were acceptable and within the specifications of the company. Method comparison between Pentra XLR and flow cytometry showed a good correlation with 5,0% bias between both methods. In conclusion, based on this evaluation, we can conclude that the Pentra XLR is showing a highly acceptable operational performance and is therefore suitable for the market.
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