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TERS on Functionalized Gold Nanostructures for Nano-scale Biosensing

TERS Nano-localization of SERS hot spots

TERS on Functionalized Gold Nanostructures for Nano-scale Biosensing

This application note reports on TERS characterization of functionalized gold nanodisk arrays on a gold-coated glass substrate that have recently shown impressive results in SERS upon coupled plasmonic modes: the gold layer sustains propagative surface plasmons while the nanostructures sustain localized surface plasmon resonances. Nano-resolved TERS response distribution from grafted thiophenol molecules on nanodisks of 110 and 220 nm diameter feature strong signal localization on the periphery of the nanostructures, in agreement with numerical modeling. We demonstrate how TERS applied on plasmonic nanostructures is an excellent tool to characterize SERS effect distribution at the nanoscale.



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