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MultiWell 模块

Multiwell LabSpec 6 Module Logo


该模块可使用各种不同的孔板,包括标准的 96 和 384 孔板。 用户可以通过快速配置软件以处理任何形状和尺寸的板,建立起一个直观的孔板向导图。 配置时可以包括使用参考标记,如果孔板发生移位、旋转或倾斜,可以通过重新准确定位来配置补偿。

      * 仅适用于欧洲、中东和非洲国家

事业部: 科学仪器
产品分类: 拉曼光谱仪
制造商: HORIBA France SAS

The module can be used to work with a variety of different plates, including standard 96 and 384 well plates. There is an intuitive wizard allowing users to quickly configure the software to work with plates of any shape and size.* The configuration can include the use of reference markers, allowing plates to be returned loaded and unloaded with accurate repositioning to compensate for shift, rotation and/or tilt of the plate.



The module can be used to work with a variety of different plates,, including standard 96 and 384 well plates. There is an intuitive wizard allowing users to quickly configure the software to work with plates of any shape and size.* The configuration can include the use of reference markers, allowing plates to be returned loaded and unloaded with accurate repositioning to compensate for shift, rotation and/or tilt of the plate.



* 这些字段为必填项。
