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Alternative Fuel Combustion

Hydrogen and ammonia are essential energy sources to decarbonization in various fields such as transportation, power generation, and various industries.
Therefore, the implementation of alternative energies is accelerating to achieve carbon neutrality toward 2050. HORIBA is contributing to the "Carbon Neutrality" effort through our leading-edge measurement solutions.

HORIBA's Solution

With the acceleration of efforts to utilize hydrogen and ammonia to realize a carbon-neutral society, basic research through demonstration experiments on combustion are becoming more active. HORIBA offers the following lineup of gas measurement systems necessary for a wide range of alternative fuel utilization, from alternative fuel production, combustion, and exhaust gas treatment processes, to environmental regulations and GHG reduction.

For R&D / demonstration system for power generation by ammonia co-firing / 100% firing

For R&D / demonstration system for power generation by ammonia co-firing / 100% firing

For R&D / demonstration system for power generation by ammonia co-firing / 100% firing

R&D of burners for higher rate of ammonia co-firing / 100% ammonia firing in coal-fired power generation facilities is underway, aiming to improve combustion methods and gas treatment facilities’ operation methods in order to realize the social implementation of ammonia co-firing/ full-firing systems. Currently, practical tests are ongoing with a 20% ammonia co-firing pulverized coal boiler. Furthermore, endeavors are in progress to elevate the co-firing rate, with the aim of achieving 100% ammonia firing by the 2030s.

For R&D / demonstration system of gas-turbine power generation by liquid ammonia with direct spray method

HORIBA's Gas Measurement Solution for Gas Turbine Power Generation with Liquid Ammonia Direct Atomization

HORIBA's Gas Measurement Solution for Gas Turbine Power Generation with Liquid Ammonia Direct Atomization

100% liquid ammonia firing technology to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from conventional gas turbine power generation systems is under development. Given that liquid ammonia has lower flammability than gases, it is necessary to stabilize the flame and reduce harmful substances in the exhaust gas. In addition to conventional air pollutants such as NOx, there is a particular need to measure unburned NH3 and N2O.

Related Products

Engine / Generator Turbine

Measurement and evaluation of hydrogen and ammonia engines/gas turbines for power generation (Engine/Generator Turbine)

Energy and Environment

HORIBA will contribute to realize the carbon neutrality through our "measurement" technologies toward 2050.



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