Malaria - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Case #Chase the Case" #35 - HORIBA

Malaria - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Case #Chase the Case" #35

This case shows the utility of Malaria Flag on Yumizen H550 hematology analyzers at a private pathology laboratory for a patient with fever under investigation, during the rainy season when there are many mixed infections like Malaria or Dengue causing fever as a common symptom.

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About Chase the Case

In this monthly series, delve into selected clinical cases analyzed by Yumizen analyzers, sourced directly from real labs. In each case, we’ll explore the interpretation of Yumizen flags, alarms, histograms, and matrices for specific diseases. Whether you’re a lab professional or a biology student, subscribe to Chase the Case and uncover the remarkable capabilities of Yumizen!

 HORIBA Chase the Case #35 - Malaria