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Chase the Case

Yumizen H2500 with Yumizen SPS and Yumizen P8000

Chase the Case #26

- Leukemia -

November 2023 
(PDF for print)

Patient Demography: Male aged 56

Diagnosis: Possibility of Plasma Cell l Leukemia can be considered.

Microscopic Review: Atypical lymphocytes 37%. RBCs are predominantly normocytic normochromic. There is mild degree or anisocytosis. 2 nRBCs / 100 WBC seen. Few polychromatophilic cells seen. Marked leukocytosis with 37% atypical lymphocytes Plasma cell/ Plasmablast Round to oval, few with indented nucleus, occasionally binucleated, single prominent nucleus, abundant cytoplasm with hairy projections. Neutrophilic leukocytosis. Myeloid left shift i s seen. Mildly reduced by smear.

Other Information: I mmunophenotyping by flow cytometry, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, serum protein electrophoresis and immunofixation, renal function test.


This clinical case has been provided by​ Dr. Islam Barkatullah Khan, Diveak Rustogi, Arvind,​ Rajeev Ranjan, Rocky, Redcliffe Labs, India

HORIBA Medical Chase the Case #15 - Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia

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