Definition of corrosion

Corrosion is the gradual destruction or deterioration of a material due to a chemical reaction with its environment. It usually affects metals, but also affects other materials such as polymers and ceramics.
It is essential to study this phenomenon in various materials to understand its mechanisms and help researchers and engineers make the right choice in their projects. For this purpose, advanced analytical tools and techniques to study corrosion at macro, micro, and nanoscale levels are needed to help industries predict failures, optimize material lifespan, and develop effective corrosion protection strategies.
Corrosion is the gradual local or uniform deterioration of a material due to chemical reactions with its environment caused by environmental and mechanical factors. As a result, the material weakens, surface properties change, and performance degrades.
Variables such as pH, temperature, chemicals, or radioactivity, can cause and accelerate corrosion. This leads to material degradation, and failures, and negatively impacts safety and longevity. Stress and wear can also contribute to corrosion by degrading the surface, particularly in components exposed to stress and friction, leading to further material deterioration.
Corrosion risks are a major concern across several domains, including the energy industry, metallurgy, marine, aerospace, automotive, and so on. These sectors face significant challenges as corrosion can lead to structural failures, safety hazards, and reduced operational efficiency.
Studying corrosion and its processes is crucial because it enables us to understand how and why materials deteriorate in different environments.
This knowledge is essential for industries as it helps in designing more durable materials, selecting appropriate protective coatings, and implementing effective maintenance strategies.
By understanding corrosion mechanisms, industries can predict potential failures, optimize the lifespan of their assets, and reduce the risk of catastrophic events such as structural collapses, leaks, and contamination. Ultimately, proactive corrosion management leads to enhanced safety, cost savings, and sustainability by minimizing material waste and preventing costly downtime and repairs.
Precise analytical techniques are necessary to assess the structure of materials, and its interactions with the environment. Also, by using the techniques and/or combining them, it is possible to get even more insight and monitor the formation of corrosion products and evaluate the performance of protective coatings and inhibitors.
Elemental analysis is crucial for selecting materials with the necessary corrosion resistance, as it reveals the exact composition and potential reactions in specific environments.
Techniques such as Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), and Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES) are commonly used to perform this analysis.
Molecular and structural investigation is essential for understanding material behavior and predicting its response to corrosive environments.
Raman Spectrometry can provide non-destructive insights into molecular and structural properties. Using tools such as Raman microscopes and probes, researchers can remotely monitor corrosion processes in real-time, gaining critical information on how materials degrade.
Additionally, multimodal Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) offers precise surface topography analysis, identifying local non-uniformities where corrosion may begin.
Understanding the interaction between materials and its environment help to predict corrosion behavior and ensure long-term durability. For example, surface properties and the effectiveness of protective coatings must be carefully studied to assess its performance.
Analytical solutions like in operando measurements enable real-time monitoring of surface changes when materials are exposed to flowing electrolytes, giving important insights into how they degrade or helping identify the specific reactions happening during corrosion.
Off-line studies, where corrosion parameters like time, temperature, pH, and pressure are varied, provide further understanding of how different environmental factors affect material behavior.
The information obtained from any single analytical technique is inherently partial, as it results from the specific interaction between the chosen technique and the material being studied. Therefore, combining multiple techniques to provide a multidimensional analysis is essential.
HORIBA analytical methods can be seamlessly integrated with other important surface techniques.
Raman spectroscopy measurements can be conducted at various depths within a Glow Discharge (GD) crater, enabling a combination of elemental and molecular depth profile analysis.
Correlative measurements are further enhanced by accurately repositioning points of interest across multiple techniques, such as particle analysis using µ-XRF, microRaman, and a nanoGPS navYX repositioning system.
HORIBA offers advanced techniques for the study of corrosion, which provide detailed insights into material composition, behavior, and interaction with environmental factors. These methods allow for precise analysis and monitoring, which are essential for understanding corrosion mechanisms, developing protective coatings, and improving material longevity.
Scanning Probe Microscope with Chemical Signature
Watch the webinar:
For corrosion purposes, to predict failures, optimize material lifespan, and develop effective corrosion protection strategies, ensuring durability and reliability in demanding environments, different advanced analytical solutions are needed. We will present a comprehensive range of advanced analytical solutions for the corrosion market, designed to address the complexities of corrosion processes and protection strategies.