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CaptuR Raman Accessrory for Life Science

Laser Trapping Solution - Raman Accessory for Life Science

The CaptuR accessory is a unique and integrated laser trapping solution for the LabRAM Odyssey.

Capture a particle or a cell in a liquid medium, and hold it immobile whilst conducting microscopic measurements such as confocal Raman or fluorescence



Segment: Scientific
Produktionsfirma: HORIBA France SAS

CaptuR enables simple and effective laser trapping of micron scale elements. With the use of CaptuR, you trap a particle or a cell in a liquid medium, and hold it immobile whilst conducting microscopic measurements such as confocal Raman or fluorescence. It is an ideal accessory for biological applications.

Laser trapping (also known as optical tweezers), uses the force induced by the strong electric field gradient of a focused laser beam to hold a particle or a cell at the focal plane.


Wavelength: 1064 nm

Laser output power: 300 mW or >1000 mW 1

Spectral Range: [370 nm-1015 nm] and [1140 nm-1600 nm] 2

Spot size: 0.8 µm to 10 µm 3

Raman system compatibility: LabRAM Odyssey


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