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Raman Research Solutions

Your Research Deserves the Leader in Raman

Based on a 50 year legacy in Raman spectroscopy, we are constantly bringing innovation on our confocal Raman microscopes to provide you with the highest performance, the fastest imaging speed, and the best spatial and spectral resolutions. And, if our standard products can’t meet your needs and expectations, we will combine or customize solutions for your requirements!

Whether you work in cultural heritage, planetary and astronomical physical chemistry, polymers, optoelectronics, low dimensional semi-conducting materials, or pharmaceuticals, biomedical imaging and disease characterization, we have an advanced microscopy platform for you.
Discover the best Raman microscopes for academic and industrial research.

  • The highest performance in imaging, spatial and spectral resolution
  • Application labs and specialists support your most difficult questions in 10 countries
  • More than 3000 Raman microscopes are in our installed base, the largest user community in the world
  • Advanced LabSpec6 software spectroscopy suite

Raman microscopes

LabRAM Soleil Raman Microscope full view

LabRAM Soleil™

The result of 50 years of expertise in Raman spectroscopy, LabRAM Soleil™ offers unprecedented capabilities for Raman multimodal confocal imaging, in a compact footprint.

Due to the high level of automation implemented, high optical throughput, objective recognition, motorized switching mirrors, ultra-fast mapping capabilities with SmartSampling™ and QScan™, fast motorized 4-grating turret, high speed auto-alignment and new options offered by the LabSpec 6 software suite, the LabRAM Soleil™ is ready to work 24 hours a day with minimal human supervision.

LabRAM Odyssey Picture

LabRAM Odyssey

LabRAM Odyssey is the system of choice for research requiring the highest spectral resolution combined to the widest spectral range and automation.

With its 800mm focal length fully achromatic Raman spectrograph and the availability of excitation lasers from deep UV to near IR, LabRAM Odyssey is the perfect candidate for advanced material characterization properties like stress and strain or crystallinity in semi-conductors. Its open optical platform makes it the most scalable system, allowing the integration of various modules such as a large cryostat or an inverted microscope up to nano Raman (TERS)...

LabRAM Odyssey Semiconductor

The LabRAM Odyssey Semiconductor microscope is the ideal tool for photoluminescence and Raman imaging on wafers up to 300 mm diameter. The HORIBA best-seller true confocal microscope is equipped with automated 300 mm sample stage and objective turret to fit both needs of wafer uniformity assessment and defects inspection and analysis of blanket wafers.


Up to ten times faster than other confocal Raman microscopes in its category, this compact and robust device combines ease of use and performance. With 3 built-in lasers, 4 motorized gratings, independent slit and confocal pinhole, and various microscopy modes like Epifluorescence or Darkfield, the XploRA PLUS addresses all Raman and PL research applications requiring spectral resolutions down to 1 cm-1 in material, earth, and life sciences.

Combined systems


HORIBA's leading Raman technology is now integrated with scanning probe microscopy (SPM). The NanoRaman platform integrates Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) that can provide physical sample information on the nanometer scale with the chemical information obtained from Raman spectroscopy and Photoluminescence. The end result is a more comprehensive sample characterization in one versatile instrument, for fast simultaneous co-localized AFM-Raman measurements, Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) and Tip-Enhanced PhotoLuminescence (TEPL).

Collaborative Correlative Microscopy

Raman and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) are complementary techniques for characterization of complex samples.
HORIBA patented nanoGPS navYX is a versatile, quick and affordable solution to relocate sample’s points of interest with micron accuracy, even in distant laboratories.
Combined with graphYX correlative microscopy software, it provides a complete solution for characterization of micro and nanomaterials, edition of multimodal maps and facilitates collaborative work thanks to a traceable workflow.

Raman with EDF and HSI

Raman with EDF and HSI

HORIBA Scientific and CytoViva offer new combined solutions integrating Raman imaging, Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) and Enhanced Darkfield (EDF) microscopy on the same microscope platform.
These innovative integrations, improve drastically detection limits allowing ultrafast mapping, to easily locate, visualize and characterize nanoparticles of interest.

Customized solutions

Some challenges require a dedicated solution. With more than 50 years of knowledge in Raman spectroscopy, we develop innovative and valuable solutions in association with our large user community. As an example, we can couple a Raman microscope and versatile probes to large chambers for high or ultra high vacuum environments, low temperature nitrogen and helium cryostats, goniometer for angular resolved measurements, furnaces, and more.
Contact our specialists today to learn more.

Raman software

LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Suite

Common to all HORIBA Raman systems, the LabSpec6 Spectroscopy Suite software, and its exclusive application store, enables all users to perform even the most challenging analysis. Its modern interface ensures quick start to maximized laboratory efficiency. Results and analysis have also never been this easy.


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