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HORIBA and CytoViva: Combining Technologies for Smarter Nanoparticle Detection

Expand and enhance your Raman microscope’s performances with enhanced darkfield (EDF) and hyperspectral imaging (HSI) from CytoViva

Analyze nano- and bio-materials faster and easier with Raman microscopy featuring EDF and HSI from CytoViva.

  • Benefits of enhanced darkfield (EDF) microscopy:
    CytoViva’s patented enhanced darkfield technology, including the enhanced darkfield condenser and the dedicated illumination unit, improves the signal noise ratio up to ten times over the standard darkfield microscopy.  Detection limit for the target size is increased, enabling the visualization of nanoparticles as small as 10 nm when isolated in solution, cells and/or tissues.  Images obtained are much cleaner, crisper and more accurate than those obtained with the standard darkfield microscopy, optimizing darkfield detection capability for non-fluorescing nanoscale samples.
  • Benefits of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) microscopy:
    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) microscopy is designed to acquire optical spectra at every point in the image across the visible and near infrared regions (typically 400 nm – 1000 nm) of, for example, bio- and nano-materials such as nanoparticles distributed in cells or tissues.  It takes only minutes to acquire a hypercube (a high spatial resolution image composed of tens of thousands of optical spectra).  It is straightforward to detect and potentially differentiate, for example, nanoparticles in biomaterials based on their optical spectra.  The user can then identify the region of interests for chemical analysis with Raman microscopy.  The analysis becomes much faster and more efficient by utilizing both (and more) technologies.
  • Benefits of the integrated system:
    There is absolutely no need to transfer the sample between microscopy technologies (e.g. brightfield, epi-fluorescence, enhanced darkfield, etc.), illumination modes (e.g. reflected and transmitted illumination), or hyperspectral imaging technologies (e.g. Raman, photoluminescence, optical microscopy, etc.), ensuring all of these multimodal images are truly of the same position.
Raman with EDF and HSI

HORIBA Scientific and CytoViva offer new combined solutions integrating Raman imaging, Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) and Enhanced Darkfield (EDF) microscopy on the same microscope platform. These innovative integrations, improve drastically detection limits allowing ultrafast mapping, to easily locate, visualize and characterize nanoparticles of interest.

Integrating these imaging technologies to a Raman microscope allows:

  • Advanced optical and Raman imaging microscopy
  • Highly efficient spatial and spectral imaging to locate and identify targets including nano-materials
  • Enhanced confidence with multimodal and correlated hyperspectral imaging analyses


Application note - Multimodal Hyperspectral Imaging for Nanotoxicological Applications

Application Note - Multimodal Hyperspectral Imaging for Nanotoxicological Applications

An imaging platform that combines Raman microscopy with enhanced darkfield and hyperspectral imaging technology was used to study lung tissue sections containing carbon nanotubes. It enabled easy identification of the regions containing the carbon nanotubes followed by spectroscopic characterization of chemical composition.

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Fully featured, world renowned HORIBA confocal Raman microscope

  • Ultra fast Raman hyperspectral imaging
  • Best possible spectral and spatial resolution
  • Research grade optical microscope with full features
  • Easy to use software, and automated operations
  • NIST traceable and patented Autocalibration options for validated results
  • 2 year base unit warranty as standard

Enhanced darkfield (EDF) microscopy

  • 10× better signal noise ratio than standard darkfield microscopy
  • Cleaner and crisper image good for detecting non-fluorescing nanoscale samples
  • Detection size limit in the order of 10 nm

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) microscopy

  • Acquires an optical spectrum at every point in the image across
  • High speed data acquisition with line scanning
  • Differentiate bio- and nano-materials such as nanoparticles distributed in cells or tissues

Integrated system

  • True multi-modal imaging with NO sample transfer
  • Compact footprint
XploRA™ PLUS Confocal Raman Microscope
Excitation lasersSelect up to three from 405 nm, 473 nm, 532 nm, 638 nm or 785 nm
Spectral ResolutionDispersion better than 1 cm-1/pixel achievable
DetectorCCD or EMCCD
High speed imagingSWIFT (with CCD) or SWIFT XS (with EMCCD)
Spatial resolutionDiffraction limited
10 nm minimum step size
SoftwareLabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Suite for 2D and 3D imaging visualization, multivariate analysis, extended focus + topography (EasyNav™), and particle analysis (ParticleFinder)
Enhanced Darkfield Imaging
DetectabilityNoble metals and metal oxide nanoparticles: 10 nm
Soft nanoparticles (liposomes, polymers, etc.): 75 nm
Objectives60× and 100× oil immersion with cover-slip correction
Light sourceHalogen Mercury by Solac®
CondenserPatented, focuses fixed-geometry, highly collimated light at oblique angles to the sample
Hyperspectral Imaging Microscopy
Spectral range420 nm – 1000 nm with CCD
Spectral resolution2 nm (with 30 μm slit)
Imaging speedExposure time, 5 μs to 60 s; Frame rate 13.5 fps at 2×2 binning
Light sourceHalogen Mercury by Solac® when configured with EDF
Quartz Halogen Reflector when not
SoftwareENVI by Harris Corp.