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Elemental Analyzers for Carbon, Sulfur, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen

The composition of constituent elements has a significant impact on the properties and performance of metals and solid materials. As a result, it is crucial to maintain strict control over these elements to ensure product quality and to develop new materials for a variety of industries, including steel, nonferrous and non-metallic materials, ceramics, batteries, semiconductors and others.

HORIBA's elemental quantitative analyzers have been continuously advancing to meet the demands of the steel market, which requires both high accuracy and rapid analysis speed. These analyzers are based on our unique Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) gas analysis technology, which enables ultra-high-precision trace determination at ppm levels and high speeds, surpassing the capabilities. (See the Comparison with Other Elemental Analysis for more information)

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Their measurement principles make them suitable for a wide range of applications, regardless of types of target samples. Additionally, these analyzers are easy to operate and maintain by anyone, not just specialized operators with advanced analytical skills.

Typical target materials:
 - Energy: Materials for lithium-ion battery, fuel cell, electrolyzer
 - Electric parts
 - Ceramics
 - Semiconductor: Silicon, poly-silicon, GaN
 - Steel and non-ferrous alloy (metallurgy): Iron, copper, nickel, aluminum, zinc, tungsten carbide
 - Mineral: Cokes, lime stone, coal, silicone, rare-metal
 - Others: Catalyst, rubber, carbon black, silica, cement
See Application corner for more details.

Our elemental analyzers consist of two different lineups: the EMIA Series Carbon/Sulfur Analyzers (C/S Analyzers) and the EMGA Series Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Analyzers (O/N/H Analyzers). Both instruments are capable of gasifying and analyzing solid materials regardless of types of the samples, and employ analysis methods that are less susceptible to other elements.

EMIA Series 

The EMIA (Elements in Material Infrared Analyzer) Series heats and burns the target sample in an oxygen atmosphere to gasify it, and then quickly determines the mass concentration of carbon and sulfur using an infrared detector.  The analysis work with EMIA Series can be highly efficient with low maintenance performance and user-friendly software.

The EMIA Series includes:

  • EMIA-Expert - The Flagship High-Accuracy Model enables accurate and precise measurement in trace analysis.
  • EMIA-Pro - The Entry Model offers high cost performance and easy operation.
  • EMIA-Step - The Tubular Electric Resistance Heating Furnace Model has a variable heating temperature function that enables analysis by separating it by temperature and condition, as well as whole quantity analysis.

EMGA Series 

The EMGA (Elements in Material Gas Analyzer) series heats samples to high temperatures in an inert gas atmosphere, gasifies the elements of interest, and detects them with infrared and thermal conductivity detectors, enabling the determination of mass concentration of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen in materials in a short period of time. Depending on the chosen model, you can select 1 to 3 gases to be measured.

The EMGA Series includes:

  • EMGA-Expert - The Flagship High-Accuracy Model enables higher accuracy and wider range, with selectable options
  • EMGA-Pro - The Entry Model can be equipped with automated mechanisms to improve analytical efficiency.
  • EMGA-921 - The Hydrogen Dedicated Model enables ultra-trace Hydrogen analysis.


HORIBA Joins Team Analyzing Bennu Asteroid Samples Collected by the NASA OSIRIS-REx Sample Collector

HORIBA TECHNO SERVICE Co., Ltd.  (hereinafter “HORIBA TECHNO SERVICE”), a Horiba Group company handling analysis/service businesses, joined the research team led by Professor Hisayoshi Yurimoto from Hokkaido University to start the analysis of rocks, sediment, and other samples harvested from the Bennu asteroid by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) OSIRIS-REx sample collector.

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Application Corner

Typical applications include of course metallurgy (ferrous and non ferrous materials), but such instruments are also used to control catalysts, solders, rare earths, Li ion batteries, electrical components, semiconductors, glasses etc.


The C/S and O/N/H instruments combine electric furnaces and detection systems. Two techniques are used for detection (IR absorption and TCD) depending on the element and the sensitivity required.

Resource Corner

Experience our vast collection of resources for Elemental Analyzers for Carbon, Sulfur, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen. Our materials include case studies, videos, webinars, profiles, and eBooks to give you a better understanding of the latest technology and its applications in real-world situations.


HORIBA Scientific offers training sessions for its Elemental Analyzers. Our application scientists are expert in the technique and provide both theoretical and hands-on training.

Automation Options

Guarantees the accuracy of measurement results and avoids physical strain on operators


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