January 2025 (PDF for print)
Patient Demography: Male, 64 years old
Symptoms: High-grade fever from 10 days, vomiting, generalized weakness and bone pain.
Diagnosis: Plasma Cell Dyscrasia
Microscopy: Neutrophils 42%, Lymphocytes 18%, Monocytes 10%. 30% plasmacytoid cells which were large with eccentric nucleus containing coarse chromatin, basophilic cytoplasm, and occasional acidophilic inclusions were seen.
Other Test: The patient’s creatinine value was 1.5mg/dl, calcium 8mg/dl and serum protein electrophoresis showed a diffuse monoclonal “M” band.
How Yumizen Can Assist: The LMNE matrix shows high LIC, ALY, and IMM. The scattered cell population on LMNE (Black colored scatter population marked in yellow through X-axis), and as per microscopy review these are plasmocytes and plasmablasts having low extinction and mid to high volumes. This population also overlaps with monocytes and ALY. The plasmocytes and plasmablasts are not shrunk enough, resulting in interference in the basophils zone as seen in the BASO graph (pseudobasophilia), the same feature is not specific but can also be seen with the presence of immature cells like a blast.
This clinical case has been provided by a laboratory in India.
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