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Real Driving Emissions and Real-World Emissions

Real Driving Emissions (RDE) & Real-World Emissions (RWE)

Real Driving Emissions (RDE) tests are required for the type approval of Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs). Similarly, In Service Conformity (ISC) Real-World Emission (RWE) tests are required for the type approval of Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs), such as on-road trucks and buses, and In Service Monitoring (ISM) RWE tests are required for some categories of Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) vehicles, such as excavators.

Following its introduction in the USA in the early 2000s for Not to Exceed (NTE) testing on HDVs, the use of Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS) for HDV was then adopted in Europe for EURO VI approval. Subsequently, PEMS were used to measure LDVs on the road and the high NOx emissions measured from light duty diesels created the RDE regulations introduced for EURO 6.

The use of PEMS has now extended beyond the EU and has become a requirement in China, India, Korea and Japan, for example.

Also, it is expected that the applications of PEMS for RWE testing will extend to more countries and that the test conditions will extend to embrace more real world driving conditions and vehicle operating scenarios; expanding the so called ‘boundary conditions’ that specify the use of the vehicles during on-road emissions testing.

Coupled with the expected reduction of emissions limits and tightening ‘conformity factors’, vehicle and engine manufacturers are under great pressure.

Help is at hand though. Imagine having the world leader in vehicle emissions by your side.

During recent years, our industry has become extremely complex. Many existing regulations have been revised and new ones introduced - at short notice in many cases - and more are on the way.

Type approval is getting harder to achieve on new models of vehicle types that have required approval in the past. It will also soon be required on machinery that has not required type approval in the past and with the introduction of ISC it can be withdrawn at a later date; i.e. product recalls.

Your programmes carry far higher risks than before and costs can easily escalate.

However, if you break it all down, you and the regulatory bodies that will be granting you type approval (or not) are after the same thing: DATA

The quality of data you capture, and when it is captured and used during your design flow, will help you reduce the risk of type approvals not being granted and will lower your development costs.

At HORIBA we have PEMS and laboratory / test cell equipment that can arm you with the data needed for today’s and tomorrow’s certification challenges and, more importantly, help you reduce risk and costs.

In recognition of the fact that the regulations are different for each of the three main vehicle types, and that testing presents unique challenges for each, we have grouped our solutions as follows.


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